Chapter 15

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~Iris De'Leon ~

We got to our mansion and I told all the guards to respect Daniel Stone and stuff then the three of us walked into the house. I went upstairs towards my room

 I went upstairs towards my room

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I quickly took a shower and changed into my pajamas, took my phone out of my bag and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I found Isis on the phone with mama and sat down next to her after a few minutes of talking and explaining everything to mama and Octavia she hung up the phone.

"so Iris tell me how are feeling about this whole situation?" she asked me. "well I have been living with Daniel for a couple days so I'm good because I know that I shouldn't give two shits about a boy" I said "Atleast you've learnt something from spending time with this king" Daniel said entering the kitchen taken out ice-cream from the fridge. "I didn't know we had ice-cream" I said "I bought this the day I came to Italy and stashed it here then came over to the Estate" Daniel answered giving me and Isis spoons which we gladly took. "now let's cry our selves alone in the movie theater because you're not the only one who's going through relationship stuff" Daniel said wiping his fake tears.

I chuckled "let's watch a movie and I'll fill you in on all the details on what's actually happening between Ares and I" I said to them. We went into the TV room and we decided to watch Sleeping beauty for some reason.

After I think and hour the movie finished. "so tell us how you found out Ares was cheating" Isis said. "Wait he cheated!" Daniel asked in disbelief. "yes he cheated" I said answering Daniel. "and one of his personal bodyguards told me that he his cheating on me with some blonde bitch" I said rolling my eye's. "it's always the blonds, I'm sorry" Daniel said. "yea well me too" I said looking up at the ceiling trying to hold back my tears. "Iris you need to atleast cry and get all those feelings out" Daniel said causing me to look at him. "don't judge me for this, I mean I've been with the dude for years" I said with my voi slightly cracking.

"I don't know how to feel about this, I mean we were taught to never show emotion and here I am trying not to cry over some guy" I said fanning my face. "Iris make it easier for yourself and breakdown right here, right now with us here to comfort you or else you'll break down in front of Ares and he will think you're weak love" Daniel said pulling me into a hug. "listen to Danny Iris" Isis said also joining in the hug. I couldn't help but breakdown into their arms. "let it all out love, let it all out" Danny said rubbing my back. "I can't believe I trusted him" I said in sobbing. "you didn't know, he was this stupid so don't blame yourself" Isis said playing with my hair.

"thank you guys" I said with tears still running down my cheek. "for what?" they both asked in sync. "for being here for me" I said letting them go. "we'll always be here for you Ris" Daniel said. "yea you're very important to us" Isis said. "now since we're done with all of my shit, what's up with you guy's relationships?" I asked wiping my tears. "I'm single and not searching so everything is perfect" Isis said causing Daniel and I to burst into laughter. "my girlfriend and I are doing well, her parents work for my family's Mafia" Daniel said.

We continued talking about random stuff and people we want to set Isis up with,while we were eating the ice-cream Daniel bought for us.

I fell asleep on the couch. I think Daniel carried me up to my room because the person who carried me smelt like him. "Goodnight sister, love you" Daniel said and kissed my forehead.

*hold up bitch! Did he just call you his sister? *
-I think we're just dreaming, let it go-
*sure... *

(hope you enjoyed reading this short chapter 😊)

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