Chapter 39

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             ~Isis De'Leon Stone ~

After being dropped of at the Estate by Rolland and his team yesterday, we all decided to call it a night but not before doubling my bedroom and also Irises bedrooms security because I'm apparently at a risk of getting kidnapped and she's at a risk of getting kidnapped by mistake.

We're currently in Sandros office, having a meeting that my papa called. "So I called the French Mafias leader last night." my papa said."me too" my dad said. "And she thinks that she can stop her son from attacking us this year, but we're on our own next year because his taking over." My papa said. "she said the very same thing to me, and also added that she loves Isis and thinks she would be a great fit for her son."my dad added.

" Well we have been getting marriage proposals from multiple mafias  this year, which is creepy because my daughters still to young for that typer thing and they all think she's perfect. "my mama said.

I was raised by you so I am perfect, duhh

" They all said Isis is a perfect fit for their sons" papa added. " I don't blame them, I mean look at your daughter. "William,Seth's father said causing us to look at him confused.
"listen , she holds so much power, reputation and confidence at a young age, the day she turns eighteen and without a suitor they'll stop at nothing but to claim her as their own" William explained. "I now regret raising you this well." my mama said causing everyone to laugh.

Well let's just say I already hate my future.

"well enough about the future, I want us to get ready for Areses party." I said changing the topic."party until till we drop" Daniel said and we all nodded in agreement. "Yes sir" I said to Daniel,giving him a high five. "So where are Asterix, Winter and Alpha going to be held?" Steven questioned. "they won't hurt anyone so they'll be around us the whole night." Ares said brushing Asterix. "Isis, someone wants to speak to you." Thalia said handing me her phone."okay" I said giving her a confused look

Yes Thalia and Sam are back

"Hello?" I said into the phone. "Моя любовь получить себе новый телефон" (my love get yourself a  new phone) Sky said.

Okay how did he get Thalias number?

"Sky Как вы получили номер Талиаса" (Sky how did you get Thalias number?) I questioned as everyone gave me a confused look. "I have my ways." he responded. "okay why did you call?" I questioned. "just calling to tell you to activate your spare phone, I can't stand not hearing your voice." he said causing me to roll my eyes. "alright, now I'm busy bye" I said and hung up. "you speak Russian?" Ace questioned. "she speaks alot of languages, she's the future Donna of the Spanish Mafia"My papa said confidently and proudly.

" Thalia track down that number please" I said handing Thalia her phone back. "of course." she said and left the room. "So who is Sky?" Daniel questioned wiggling his eyebrows. "the dude that saved our asses last night, I'll fill you in on the details later." I said getting up from my seat. "Let's go get ready before guests start to arrive." I said and they all nodded.
It's 5pm and Areses party has already started, I'm in my room still deciding whether to  chill in my room all night with Alpha, Asterix and Winter or I'll just go enjoy myself at my brother in laws birthday party.

"Isis I came here to get you cause there's no way you're not coming to celebrate me" Ares said entering my room and pulling me into my walk in closet. "No Ares, I just want some time to myself." I said rolling my eyes. "it's my Birthday and I want the hottest twins down with me, so get dressed sorella" He said taking a seat on the couch.

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