Chapter 51

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       ~Isis De'Leon Stone ~

The past few days have literally been a living hell for me. The night after Louis raped me, and I lock myself in the guest room. - Louis forcefully moved me back into his room and raped me again. I seriously cannot believe how he quickly changed from wanting to treat me like his diamond to actually treating me like a worthless item. Louis has been chaining me up and doing his deed on me he even drugged me at some point because I'm a fucken fighter.

I can't handle this type of shit, no one can.

It's finally Friday, the charity ball and also the day Daniel and the Morreti's escape the place with the help from a friend of Nicholas and Nicholas himself with Seth and Andrei.

I'm currently in Louise's room with a a person he hired to come help me with getting dressed, and cover up the bruises on my neck and the black eye which he caused.

"take it easy, you're hurting me there." I hissed when the woman applied a bit of powder on my neck. "my apologies."she said and did it a bit gently.

She helped me with my dress and commented on how beautiful it is on me and how 'Louis' will love it.

Woman I don't care

Woman I don't care

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I made my way downstairs where I found Evan and Louis waiting for me.
"love the dress Isis." Evan commented as I took my last step. "thank you Evan." I said to Evan as his friend, 'the blue eyed monster' looked me up and down, probably thinking of the worst he can do to me. "You look beautiful." Louis said and I hummed. "I know, now can we leave" I said, not sparing him a glance.


We got to the Charity Ball about two hours ago and Louis has literally been showing me off to everyone like I'm some trophy.  Dude I'm sixteen. A Child! You can get arrested for that.

We're currently standing with some old people, okay old business people who are supposed to invest in some of Louise's legal business or something. I honestly don't know, my mind is elsewhere. 

I look around the place and spot Iris and Nicholas standing by the bar, watching my every move. Nicholas is in a nice black suit as expected and Iris is somehow dressed in the same dress as me, also hairstyle and everything. No one would be able to tell us apart I'm sure.

"Louise." I say to this awful guy who has me secured by holding me tight on my waist tightly,not making a mistake of letting go. He hummed as he looked down at me.  "can you let go so I can go use the restroom." I said and he nodded still not letting go. 

He looked to the right and signaling for a female gaurd to come over which she did.  Louise had a million guards stationed inside to make sure that I don't escape from him. " yess boss" Ms female gaurd said looking down at her feet. Probably scared of this piece of shit.  "please escort my girl here to the restrooms..." he said and whispered something else to the gaurd which I couldn't hear. She nodded and Louise let go of his hold from my waist.

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