Chapter 19

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               ~Isis De'Leon ~

I'm currently in the the lounge room in Seth's big ass Mansion sitting next to my 'favorite person' Ares,my head is laying on his chest scrolling through my phone because well I'm fucken tired and my Iris and the others haven't arrived yet.
"So tell me Ares, what's up with you and Candy?"  I asked him."her names Mandy and we just had a fling back in then" he said. "hmm interesting" I said. "is she also the bitch you cheated on you know who with?" I asked. He didn't respond and scratched his neck. "don't answer that, I already know. " I said.

"hey everybody guess who I have with me?" drunk Seth said walking into the room with Iris (who's wearing the same outfit as me) James, Daniel and Ace. Drunk Seth had his arms on Irises shoulder. "I'm holding another Iris" he said making Iris laugh. "hey everyone I'm Isis the older twin" Iris said in her most  me voice ever. "nice to meet you love, the names Jack and this is my sister Jennifer" Jack said. Iris nodded. "and I'm Donny this is my twin Malika" he said introducing himself and his sister. "I'm Amanda and that drunk mf next to you is Seth". Amanda said. "nice to meet you all" Iris said again. "hmm.. Who is this handsome devil?" Mandy said putting her hand on Aces chest. "hands off Candy" I said in a cold tone earning a smirk from Ace. "it's Mandy!" she said. "you heard the lady hands off" Ace said and Mandy instantly removed her hand from his chest. "I'm Ace, taken by Isis" he said pulling Iris into him. "you have a boyfriend? "  Ares whispered only for me to hear "looks like it" I whispered back. "and that's James and Daniel" I said pointing to the forgotten brothers behind Iris and Ace. "nice to know you all" Daniel said. "likewise, make yourselves at home dudes" Seth said.

"Iris can we talk for a bit?" Iris asked me. "sure" I said getting up from the couch. We went into the kitchen "so yea we're just switching back sis" she said. "okay" I said. We went back into the lounge area Iris went to sit next to Ares and I went to sit in between James and Ace. "hey love" Ace said putting his hand on my lap. "how did you know it was me?" I questioned only for him to hear "I always know when it's you, even though I met you today" he said and his mouth twitched a little.

Wait did he almost smile

It's 11pm now and I'm tired, I want to go home. We've been here for  hours now and almost everyone is drunk including Iris and Ares which is like insane because I was counting on them to give me a ride home, cause I already told Sam and Thalia to take the rest of the night off.

Ace is not drunk so his keeping me company. We've been chatting for hours and I ended up sitting on his lap, with his one hand is on my thigh and the other is on my waist. "I think Ares and Iris finally worked through their shit" I said looking at them making out on the sofa across from us. "yea well I think they're just drunk and Iris will go back to hating him tomorrow" he said. "you're probably right" I said in a soft tone. "so tell me love, got any plans for the future?" he asked me. "I'm going to take over the family business one day and run the Mafia and stuff" I said looking down. "I can't really follow my real dreams like my twin because of all the responsibilities I'll have to inherit" I continued. "what about you? " I asked looking up at him and flashing him my famous fake smile. "I'm going to run my father's legal businesses while my older brother runs the Mafia" he said. " cool ". We talked about random shit for the next 30 minutes.

I was now laying on Ace's chest with my eyes closed and my face on to his neck. "you tired babe?"Ace question." no, and what's with the nicknames? "I questioned in my sleepy voice. " yup you definitely tired "he said chuckling." I'm not tired, I just want to go home" I whined "want me to take you home?"Ace asked."please" I said hiding my face on the side of his neck. "okay let me take you home" he said putting his arm around my waist. When he stood up I wrapped my legs around his waist, with my hands around his neck  and my head laying on his shoulder. He put his free hand on my back. "where are you guys going?" Ares asked. "my girls tired so I'm taking her home" Ace answered. "your girl?" I questioned with my eyes still closed. "I'm talking in future tense love" he said rubbing my back. "anyway Ares please inform the others that they'll find us back at the mansion." Ace said carrying me out of the house.

We got into his car with me sitting on his lap on the driver's side while my legs were on the passenger seat. I was still hugging him like the clingy bitch I didn't know I was.

-you drunk clingy bitch-
*yea and I didn't really drink that much *
-yea right-

" hold up I'm going with you two. " Daniel said entering the car sitting in the back seat. "Isis get off of Ace so he can fucken drive us home" Daniel said. "don't worry Daniel, Isis can stay where she is" Ace said tapping my thigh. "clingy bitch" Daniel said. "if I was not tired I would beat you up for calling me a clingy bitch" I said in my sleepy voice earning a chuckle from both Ace and Daniel. "hey I was just telling the truth" Daniel said. "shut up" I responded.

"sleep love, I'll wake you up when we get home" Ace said rubbing circles around my back. I then let sleep consume me.

      ~Ace Salvatore~

I drove myself, Daniel and Isis back to the mansion. Isis fell asleep on top of me. I spent today chilling with Isis and I didn't drink because I don't want to get drunk in a house of a person  I don't know.  Isis on the other hand drank a lot of wine, I believe she is a little drunk because of how clingy she is. I'm not gonna lie I love it when she gives me attention.

We got to the mansion and I carried Isis upstairs to her bedroom because Daniel said he is not in a mood to carry his lazy best friend up to her room. I got into the room and tried placing her on the bed,and by tried I mean Isis won't let go of my neck. "wake up love" I said rubbing circles around her back,still standing. "Altri
cinque minuti" (five more minutes) she mumbled causing me let out a small chuckle. "the things I do for you" I said slipping of her heels, laying both her and I on the bed with her arms still around my neck like what the fuck. I placed my hands on her waist and kissed her cheek. "goodnight love" I said as I dosed off.

(hey everyone, hope you enjoyed this drama less chapter,don't worry I'm saving all the drama for later😉 don't forget to vote and share my story ❤️you can also comment what you expect to see in other chapters if you want 🙃)

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