Chapter 14: Encounter at Midnight

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Later in the night at the Ramshackle Dorm, everyone is fast asleep in their rooms. Tanzanite and Jasper are sleeping in their room. Jasper is knocked out from exhaustion of the game.

Grim is practically snoring, as he says in his sleep, "Mmm. Didja see that... Totally wrecked 'em with my power shot..."

In the other room, Sereia, and Trinket are both sleeping peacefully. All except for Briar. She's actually struggling as she sleeps. She keeps clenches her eyes close and is sweating a bit, and feels like she's in pain. She quickly sits up as she wakes up in shock.

She groans as she wipes the sweat from her face, "I don't know which was worse. The pain I'm having in my head or having a sore body. Leona really creamed us at that game.

She then sits up and says, "Maybe I should go out and get some air. I can't sleep after this.

Stil in her pajamas, Briar grabs her blazer jacket and shoes, puts them on, and walks outside. She feels a chill from the cold hair.

Wow, it's gotten really cold." Briar softly says, feeling the chill.

Briar looks up in the night sky. There doesn't seem to be any stars out tonight. There's a lot going on in her mind.

Briar says in thought, "I wonder when I'll be able to go home... or if I even want to... I'm not sure.... There's still a lot I don't know, including my medallion and the magic I've suddenly been able to use.

Suddenly, Briar hears a voice, "Hm? Who's that over there?"

Briar grows frightened and wonders if it's one of the ghosts or perhaps a trespasser. Briar suddenly feels the presence is right behind her. She slowly turns around and to her surprise, she sees a young man.

"Well, this is a surprise. A child of man, are you?" The young man says.

Briar is surprised to see the young man. He's a considerably tall young man with pale skin. He has cool-black hair that's mostly cut mid-length, with long bangs and two longer sections of hair on his sides that fall over his shoulders. He also has one small cowlick on the top of his head. The bottom ends of his hair fade into a dark turquoise color. He has bright green eyes with vertical-slit pupils and long eyelashes. His lips are a slightly darker color than his skin, and he usually wears what appears to be subtle dark eyeshadow. He is also wearing a Night Raven College school uniform, along with black gloves, black and white striped necktie, a bright green vest, a bright green and black color band, and a magepen with a bright green gem.

What really surprises her is that the man has pointed, elf-like ears, and long black horns on the top of his head. He has dark horns on his head that are covered in small ridges, and curve back in an s-shape. Sharp fangs are shown when his mouth is open.

"This boy. He has horns, and pointed ears. And those... those eyes..." Briar says in thought, looking at the boy. "From the look of the uniform, the boy seems to be a student, but I never saw him here in the school before.

Just then, the boy asks, "Do you live here? I was under the impression that this dorm had been abandoned for some time."

"Well, um, kind of. The Headmage allowed me and a few others to stay here," Briar says.

"I see. I quite enjoy having a place where I could go to enjoy the peace of solitude," The boy says.

"Okay," Briar replies.

She then asks, "So um, who are you?"

"Who am I...?" The boy says, a little surprised, "You really don't know who I am? Interesting."

He then asks, "What is your name?"

"I'm Briar, Briar Hawthrone. I'm kind of the dorm perfect for the Ramshackle Dorm," Briar says.

"Briar... Briar Hawthrone... An unusual name, to be sure," The boy with horns says.

Briar smiles and asks, "What's your name?

"I am..." The boy speaks, but stops himself and says, "No, never mind. I'd rather you remain unaware."

Briar grows a bit confused, "Why not?"

"It's for your own benefit, I assure you. Instead, I will permit you to call me by a name of your choosing. Although you may one day regret it..." The boy says.

"Why does everyone in the school have to be weird, but this guy is also... mysterious," Briar says to herself in thought.

Then the boy says, "But alas... If you have taken up residence here, then this abandoned dorm is no longer 'abandoned.' Pity. I shall have to find some other ruins for my next nocturnal constitutional. Farewell."

And with that, the boy with the horns disappears.

"He's gone...?" Briar says to herself.

Then asks herself in thought, "Who was he? I've never seen a student like him before? From the uniform, it's clear that he's a student. And he's wearing a green vest with a black and green band, so I have an idea which Dorm he might be in."

Then says in thought, "Still, I wonder why he doesn't want me to know his name."

Meanwhile, in Leona's room from the Savanaclaw Dorm, Leona and Ruggie are up late for an important private meeting.

You must be tired, Leona. I've brought you dinner. And on the way, I got a little 'work' done," Ruggie says, and places the dinner plate on the table.

"Always there when I need ya, Ruggie," Leona says.

"Oh, it's a pleasure to be of service to you, Housewarden," Ruggie says.

"You always say that, don't you? Even though you're really doing this for yourself," Leona replies.

"Perish the thought, Leona! It's a pleasure to be of service to OUR cause," Ruggie says, dramatically. "All of us want to turn the world upside down. That's precisely why the hyenas joined hands with the King of Beasts in the first place—to improve their lot in life forevermore.

I'm pretty much doing the same thing.

Then make sure you're careful on your 'hunts.' Don't leave any evidence behind," Leona says.

Ruggie snickers, "Shyeheehee! You should know how hyenas work. We pick our prey clean to the bone. Incidentally, Leona—any thoughts as to who my next target should be?"

"Oh, I've got an idea," Leona says, then turns his eyes towards the entryway of his room, "How about a little wolf who likes to eavesdrop?"

"Huh?" Ruggie says, confused.

Leona turns around and calls out, "I know you're there, frosh. No use hiding."

And with that the spy enters the room, and the one eavesdropping on them is Jack Howl.

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