Chapter 30: Savanaclaw Finale

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Time has passed, and Briar is still unconscious from Grim's little throw. She soon wakes up to find herself in the school infirmary. She sits up and lets out a grunt and groans to feel bad pain in her head.

Suddenly, she hears Grim's voice, "Hey, Briar's awake!"

Briar turns her head to see Grim, and the others, including Ace and Deuce.

Briar groans in pain in her head, "Where am I?" What happened? And why does my head feel like it's going to split open?

Then Ace explains, "At the start of the second half, Grim threw the disc right at your noggin and knocked you out. You don't remember?"

"I was tryin' to steal our victory with a shot from way downfield..." Grim explains.

"But you ended up hitting Briar on the head," Sereia sternly says.

"And kind of hard," Tanzanite adds.

Jack crosses his arms and says, "You amateurs gotta work on your disc control."

Deuce then says, "I'm just glad you're awake. You were out so long that I was starting to worry the hit had caused some real damage."

"Yeah, you even missed the closing ceremonies! They're taking everything apart right now," Ace adds.

"Oh. I see..." Briar says.

She rubs her head and says, "Ow. It feels like I got hit by a truck."

Then asks, "By the way did the tournament go? Who won in the end?

Suddenly, everyone hears Leona's voice, "The grand champion was Diasomnia House."

Briar and the others look to see Ruggie and Leona are both laying on the medical beds as well, and look worse for wear.

"In the end, there was nothing we could do... It certainly didn't help that we took a beating from every other dorm on the way to the finals. What a miserable tournament this year was," Ruggie says.

"I'm guessing you guys didn't do so well," Briar replies, concerned.

"Hmph," Leona replies, "Everyone we played was ignoring the disc and throwing everything they had at US.

"We were dead on our feet by the time we faced Diasomnia, so they ended up taking first place," Ruggie says.

"Housewarden! Ruggie!" Jack says.

Leona scoffs it off, Tch... Bein' stuck in an infirmary bed for anything other than a mid-day nap is about as lame as it gets."

"And what's worse? Not a single Diasomnia student ended up here," Ruggie says.

Then Ace says, "I'd heard the rumors, but man, seeing Diasomnia's housewarden in action... That dude does NOT mess around."

"Yeah, he was incredible. You wouldn't have believed it, Briar!" Deuce says.

"Now I get why everyone thinks he's invincible. I can't even imagine taking him down," Ace says.

"And with that attitude, you never will," Jack points out, "You've let him beat you before you even face him. I haven't, though. Next year, I'm taking Diasomnia down. And I'll win by givin' it everything I got."

"Does 'everything' happen to include your capacity for evil?" Leona questions with his arms crossed.

"Have you learned nothing from all this?" Briar questions.

"Pfft. I didn't realize we were in an after-school special here," Leona says.

"You aren't feeling remorseful at all are you?" Briar sternly questions.

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