Chapter 19: Sealed With a Fight

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In the courtyard, Ruggie continues to run out of the hall and into the courtyard. Ruggie snickers to see the three chasing after them, but wonder what happened to the others. Ruggie continues to run towards where the wishing well is, unaware that Briar and the others are standing behind it.

Just then, Briar shouts, "Now!"

And with that, Sereia, Tanzanite, and Jasper stand in front of Ruggie causing him to come to a stop, and is pounded behind by Briar. They both end up rolling on the ground, and roll on the grass. In the process, all the magepens that he stole fall out of land on the ground. Sereia quickly secures all the stolen magepens, and is able to get Briar's medallion back.

"Hey! Ge-get off of me!" Ruggie screams.

"Sorry about pouncing at you, but it's the only way to get you to stop running," Tanzanite says.

Then Briar gets off of Ruggie and the two begin to sit up.

"Now then, you're going to answer our questions," Briar says.

Then Briar and Ruggie stand up, and it shows that they've both had their uniform dirty from the fall, and they stand up on their feet. At the same time, Ace, Deuce, and Grim arrive.

Just then, Ruggie snickers, "Shyeheehee! Eight-in-one, and this is the best you can do? Pretty pathetic, guys."

Ace pants, "What is WITH this dude?! He's crazy fast!"

Deuce pants in exhaustion, "It's not just that he runs fast... It's like no terrain even slows him down!"

"Myaaaaah... I don't even think I can catch him," Grim says, exhaustion.

"At least Briar's plan worked," Deuce says.

Ruggie snickers again and says, "Shyeheehee! Compared to the backstreets of the slums, this is a cakewalk. Did you even think this through? Let's say you do catch me—can you even be sure that I did it?

"What? Of course you did it!" Deuce angrily says.

"And what about evidence? Do you have a witness who saw me casting spells?" Ruggie questions, "For that matter, did anyone snap a picture? You don't have anything like that, do you?"

"Yeah, but...still!" Grim says.

"Maybe so, but it's cowardly..." Briar says.

"A coward? I take that as a compliment, honestly," Ruggie says.

"He's kidding," Jasper mutters.

Ruggie snickers, "Shyeheehee! Next time you wanna come after me, do me a favor and gather some proof first. Though that sounds like a tall order given your track record."

"Grrrrr... This guy..." Grim says, flabbergasted.

Well, I'm done playing tag for today. I'll leave the medallion and those pens of yours I stole right here for you, okay? Toodles!" Ruggie says with a grin and takes his leave.

"Argh! He really gets on my nerves!" Ace says in frustration.

"Housewarden Riddle is not going to be pleased," Deuce says.

"You okay, Briar?" Sereia asks.

"I'm okay, just a little dirty is all," Briar answers.

Then turns to the others, "Still, Ruggie just said "next time," and that's worrisome."

"Do you think he's going to keep doing it?" Tanzanite asks.

"I wouldn't be surprised," Jasper says.

Just then, they hear someone saying, "So you guys are still on the hunt, huh?"

The group turns to see Jack walking towards them.

"Yup. Hey, here's an idea: Next time, maybe give us a hand? There is seriously something wrong with that guy," Ace says.

Approaching them, Jack asks, "Why're you going through all this trouble for the sake of total strangers?"

The group soon becomes confused.

"I'm not sure I follow," Deuce says.

"I mean, I'd understand if you were out for vengeance for an injured friend, or something," Jack says.

But Ace says, "Buddy, you're missing the point."

"What?" Jack asks.

"We're not doin' this for anyone else's sake!" Ace says.

Then Deuce says, "This is just a chance for us to score some kudos by catching the culprit."

"Yeah. I'd do anything to get on my dorm's team so I can show my talent to the world!"

"Yeah, me too! I wanna catch the guy so I can get this glorious mug of mine on TV!" Grim says with a grin.

"I feel bad about what happened to Trey, but if there's an opening on the roster... I'll take it," Ace says.

Blair facepalms her forehead while Sereia, Jasper, and Tanzanite shake their heads with annoyed expressions. Even Trinket isn;t amused by those three's honest motives.

Wow. I was doubting whether I could trust people who would suffer like this for strangers... But it turns out you guys are total scum," Jack says, deeply disappointed.

Briar sighs and says, "Look, I know their motives are sounding rather selfish. However, your actions aren't exactly necessary either."

Jack glares at Briar, "What did you just say?"

"Something's been bugging me about what you said the other day, about how you're sure that you weren't going to be targeted. And I also noticed that other than the Ignihyde and Diasomnia dorms, your dorm also hasn't had any incidents or accidents. And since I was told that Ignihyde doesn't really care too much about sports, and Diasomnia has a very strong player on their side, it would mean that Savanaclaw dorm might have done it. And I have a clear understanding as to why" Briar says.

"Why?" Sereia asks

"I think Briar is on to something. If we're scum, then you're less than scum, because you knew all along, didn't you?" Ace says. "You knew exactly who the culprit was."

Grim understands it too, "Oh! I get it! That's why you were sure he wasn't gonna come for you—you knew the culprit was from your own dorm!"

"And now, we want to know why Ruggie is doing this. We know that he has the spell that can control people, and he's among one of the dorms that haven't been targeted. If you know something then it's best you tell us," Briar says.

Jack remains silent.

Then he says, "... Fight me. The whole lot of you."

"Huh? Why should we?" Ace asks, shocked.

"If I'm gonna trust you, I gotta size you up first," Jack answers, "Prove to me that you ain't all talk, and I'll tell you everything I know."

"Ugh, do I have to? I hate getting all sweaty," Ace says.

"And we're not supposed to fight in school. We could get in trouble," Tanzanite says.

However, Deuce steps forward and cracks his knuckles, "Now you're talkin' my language. Let's cut that smack-talk and THROW DOWN!"

"Myah?! I'll never get used to him flippin' out like that!" Grim says, shocked.

"Must violence be the answer to everything?!" Sereia asks, worried.

Briar sighs, "I wish I knew, but it seems it's the only way Jack can explain everything to us."

Jack and Deuce step forward and soon, they both begin to fight against each other with their firsts.

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