#! accidentally sleepover!

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Cyno was in denial. YOU HAVE NO PHONE? You didn't seen like the person to not have one, actually no one is the type to need have one. He reread the message seeing that it broke so he's letting you off the hook.

He doubled check the address Tighnari sent him and made his way to your home. It was the first time he was nervous, firstly he didn't say one word to you yesterday, didn't even find you today and now he's at your front door. Nevertheless he sucked it up and rang your doorbell.

Waiting for you to answer it instead your younger sister opened it up. She was around 10 years old and had learned how to unlock the door for a while, you tell her to not open it. when no one is around but does she listen? no.

She stared at him in awe and then thought of the most obvious thing a family member will think when they see a boy here for you.

She yelled as you almost slipped on your way to them. Cyno was shocked then noticed you in the back making your way and looked like you were about to strangle your sister.

"S/N. Please go sit down and WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT OPENING THE DOOR?" All she said was whoopsie and hopped her way back to the living room, watching whatever she's watching, probably cocomelon or barbie? Who knows.

"Sorry about that, anyways you can go to my room to put down your bag and then meet me in the kitchen." You told the boy. He nodded his head as he then remembered he doesn't know where your bedroom is and you left him. Your sister then stuck her head out from the living room and had a smile on her face.

"I can show you her bedroom!" She said as she tugged on Cyno's shirt and started walking to your room.

It was almost like she was marching while Cyno held onto his bag as he looked around your house. His mini tour came to a stop when he was now faced with a door. Your sister opened it up and he was now greeted with your room.

Filled up with posters, albums, even an instrument. Your room wasn't messy but it wasn't clean either, he thought that it was alright and set his bag down on your bed. As he was about to turn to leave he heard your door being closed by none other than your sister standing right next to it.

She told Cyno to sit on the bed as she went searching for something. Cyno was nervous again, started looking around and noticed that your room was mainly about your current obsession.(not him sadly😞 for me it will be txt hehehhe🤭😊)

He felt the bed sink a bit as he turned to face your sister who had some pictures in her hand.

"If you want to date my sister you must learn her embarrassing moments since YOUNG."

"I don't want to date her-"

"Shhh I know your in denial right now but later you will be all over her, my sister is a very pretty girl mister." She said as she placed her hands on her hips.

Cyno remained silent and let her do her thing.

"Okay so first we have this picture. Mommy said that y/n wanted to pet the dog but instead the dog pushed her over and she got this picture of her on the floor with a scared look on her face and the door looking all happy."

Basically it looked like the dog was about to eat you. Cyno was quite entertained by this and she was about to show the last picture but then you burst into the room.

"There you both are! I got scared.." You said, trying to make out what's happening here until you saw the picture your sister is holding.

"S/N where did you get that from!" You said out of surprise and took the picture out of her hand. She pointed at your bookcase that was instead filled with albums and just ran out the room.

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