#! comfort cyno

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im to scared to vent to anyone bc I think my reason for being upset and left my friends while crying rn is dumb and I'm also scared to tell anyone so yk what's the best way to tell my feelings out but write it out😉😘😘

sorry for the sappy shortest chapter ive ever made also a diff pov this time instead of 'you/your' I'm using 'she/her'.

the gif this time is a dog bc i like dogs especially corgis they make me happy😊

Normally everyone will be happy on a Saturday because you know, it's a Saturday..

But! Miss Y/n isn't happy, rather she's quite sad, she was supposed to go out with Cyno today but first the outfit she planned didn't go with her body type, her hairstyles she tried didn't fit her standards so now she's on her bed crying her eyes out on her bed, not hard crying but silent cry.

She felt bad for leaving him, as in not showing up and was scared to tell him the reason why, she thought it was rather silly and that it will sound like a joke instead of something serious.

So instead she put her phone on silent and face planted on her bed. Obviously she knew Cyno is messaging her all now but she's too ashame to text him.

"Y/n, you have a visitor!" She heard from outside her room, she didn't bother to leave the door open nor windows, her room was all dark, the only smell you cam get from the rook is the smell of her perfume she sprayed on before. She was also too lazy to change her clothes.

"Y/n?" Her mother called out again. She didn't bother to move, she just turned her head away from the door.

"Oh my god Y/n can you come out?" Her only cousin said outside her door.

The door knob turned and a bit of light entered the room. Her cousin stood by the door, staring at her body that was laid lazily on the bed. He sighed and left, leaving the door open but came back with her one and only.

"Y/n? You're not coming anymore?"
The voice made her turned back her head, this time with speed, to see that it was Cyno.

He entered your room, closing the door.
She turned back her head as he came closer and sat next to her.

"What's wrong?"


He sighed.

He picked up her body and rest her face in his chest, placing his hand on her back and laid his cheek on the top of her head.

"Alright, you don't have to tell me now but can I do anything to help you?"

She didn't move nor said anything which made the boy sighed again. He fell backwards gently on her bed with her still on top of him. causing the couple to fall asleep on the bed together.


Cyno turned his head to look at the window to see that it's dark out.

He tapped the girl's shoulder to find any signs of being up but got none.


His head shifted a bit, trying to see the girl but failed.

"I'm sorry for leaving you there and not texting."

"It's okay, you weren't feeling well."



"Would you like to tell me what's wrong now?"

"It's kinda dumb.."

"Why do you say so?"

"I think it's dumb, it's just I kinda have a habit of comparing myself and body to everyone, my friends and even people online so I guess seeing that my hairstyle and outfit didnt go to plan I got upset and cried.."

"That's not dumb Y/n, plus I think you're really pretty, everytime I see you I smile everytime."

She didn't respond. Instead she looked at Cyno and rested near his head. He turned his head to face her completely but saw that she was frowning.

"Stop frown, I love it when you smile."

He told her. He took his fingers and shifted her face a bit, making it look like she's smiling, which genuinely made her smile a bit.

"See, you have a very pretty smile, smiling or not, you look amazing."

He then gave her a kiss on her lips then her forehead.

"Thank you Cyno."


that indeed kinda made me feel better a bit and also tiktok I was laughing at a video😁

sorry for randomly venting😞

sorry for randomly venting😞

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