#! the festival of light!

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READ THIS. please
happy diwali/deepawali/divali to those who celebrate it🤭😊.
I thought it will be nice to add in a diwali related chapter in the book since it's celebrated in India and the other parts in southern Asia and well yk sumeru is inspired by South Asian countries.

if you want to. read this too😘
I may not be Hindu, etc. or Indian but it's still one of my favorite religous festival/holiday and it's celebrated in my country every year😊I'm really happy that this festival can be celebrated by everyone it's really nice to see it being celebrated around the world I even wore a kurta in school and got free snacks😉 and a flower from someone. I had a sari but uh idk where it is. hope my momma make roti so ppl won't laugh at me UNLIKE LAST YEAR☹😒



BTW! just incase you don't know the things I'm talking abt in this chapter look at the end of this chapter to see the pictures!






"Maybe if you slap her, she will wake up."

"Won't that be mean kuzu?"



"I don't wanna slap her.."

"Well I will."

"Don't you dare."

"Oh she's actually up."
Kunikuzushi said as he stared at your grumpy face. It's 7 in the morning and yet again you are being awaken too early for your liking.

"Y/n you're up!"


You tried to show your excitement and your sister indeed took it and gave you a hug.

"Y/n! Remember what we always do on this day?"


"Come on!"

S/n folded her arms and stared at you while you tried to process what even is the date.





As of now you and your sister is now in her room looking for her sari/saree that she always wear for today's festival.

You have yours also. It's somewhere in your wardrobe.

"Y/N I CAN'T FIND IT! What am I going to wear!"

"Hold on tantrum child I will find it."

"Tantrum child..?"


After a long time of digging and clothes being thrown on the floor you finally found her sari.

"S/n I found it-"

S/n shouted as she had her bangles already being worn on her hand.

You smiled at her and helped her got ready since she's already all excited. (of course after she's bathed she got ready😒)

So now your sister has her sari on, shaking her hand to show off her bangles, her hair is in a bun with the maang tikka in her hair.

Happily smiling, S/n eagerly looked for her mini heels that's worn with her sari and brought it to you so you can help her wear it.

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