#! ongoing memories..

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guys guess what chapter this is..🙁🙁🙁☹️

I tried to proof read this but I was falling asleep half way so don't mind any mistakes😊😊


It's been some time ever since you and Cyno 'became' friends in high school, then got together and blah blah.

Now everything has changed, your little sister is now going to middle school, sadly your aunts and cousin had to go back home which was quite a sad time for both you and mainly your sister.. and you, of course Kunikuzushi also he just sucks at showing it.

Anyways that means you all graduated!!

Talking about graduated, you were staring at the picture you and your friends took, including Cyno.

You were on your way to the same Cafe that your sister shouted out to Cyno because something randomly snapped in her.

Cyno told you to meet him there, maybe to discuss future plans or just a normal date.

You made your way to the door and opened it to reveal your boyfriend sitting at the signature spot, the spot being where you whipped your head at him after your sister shouted..

He turned his head towards you and smiled. You walked in his direction and greeted him with a hug.

"Finally you made it."

"I was just looking at pictures."

He nodded his head at your reply. The conversation was cut short after your best friend Nilou came bouncing towards you both.

"Woah its the future amazing married couple! What would you both like?" She said with a smile.

Cyno stared blankly at her while you smiled back.

"Nilou! honestly I forgot you started working here, anyways I just want a cake." You said.

Cyno told her to get him the same thing as you and started back the conversation.

"As I was saying.. Tighnari said that he found an apartment for all four of us, it has four bedrooms, one for both of us and the other three are for him, Nilou and Collei."

"We're sharing a bed?"

"Well yeah?"

"Ahh, okay so here are some warnings."


"When I sleep I kick things off my bed so that will probably be you. Also I steal pillows."

"I will just kick you back and take back my pillow."

You rolled your eyes at him.

"And about adopting pets, yes we can adopt a dog also."

"YAY! Oops. I meant yay. One cat and a dog, I'm already liking the sound of this."

(li.da.ra.lae if I see a comment complaining abt dogs again or something im not replying to it😉😁😊😒.)

He was on his laptop adding things to the list of things we need to do, of course the important ones were there first but small fun things we can do is why he called me for help.

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