#! spooky storm!

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got inspired by the storm im in rn😉
(it's scary pleahe)


Waking up on command at around 6am you stared at the ceiling for a bit until you got the strength to turn and find your phone.

Opening it up you saw messages from your friend, Nilou.


nilou the best!😍😘💙


you are texting me at 6am and want me to answer

well you did answer back


no school today


wym why do you not watch the news


there's a storm

I have to meet up with cyno today



oh right that
oh well have fun figuring out what to do!





You sighed and looked at the date, it was Friday and then got a notification from Cyno on instagram. You both followed each yesterday and had a chat about what to do after school but there is no after school now.

"There is no need to come over now because of the storm."

With disappointment, you stared at the message. He did send you his address so you being you did the unthinkable!



Knock Knock!

Here you are at 10 IN THE DAMN MORNING, standing right infront the his door while playing with your fingers.

Now the nervousness hit you, it had no rain as yet so you hurriedly made your way to his house, your mother didn't watch the news either so she let you out(my mother doesn't even watch the news either I have to show her it😞).

It took a while until the door was answered and there stood a confused Cyno still in his pj's which was just a white shirt and some sweat pants while his hair was up in a messy bun.

Honestly speaking you thought he would wear those nightgowns and have the hat on with stars on it BUT THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER especially the hair..

"Didn't you get my message?"
He asked, snapping you out of your fantasy as he step aside and told you to get in fast. Seems like he's serious with the storm. well duh..

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