#! haunted house!

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DID YOU ALL KNOW THAT A NEW WIMPY KID BOOK IS COMING THIS MONTH ON THE 25TH? that's not important to this fic I just wanted to point it out😉😊


"Are you ready?" Cyno asked as he was waiting by the door for you. You had just came down with you phone in hand, because it was charging.

You nodded as you walked past him and saw that the sky cleared up.

"No more rain." You said and he just nodded.


You both made it to the house and saw that it already had a crowd forming near it.

"Are you both going on a date?" A random voice appeared scaring the both of you.

You turned around to see none other than Nilou!

"Nilou!" You said as you both hugged each other.

"You know Nilou?" Cyno asked after staring at us hug each other.

You nodded as Nilou watched him.

"I didn't know you knew Y/n." She said while side eyeing you. You knew why she watched you so you just looked away then noticed a familiar purple hair.

"Wait a damn minute.." You said causing the two of them to turn their heads in your direction.

Before you could go to them they had already entered the house.

"CYNO. We have to go in there."


You both looked at Nilou who had already turned away from the house.

"Have fun you two!" She said as she continued to go where she was originally planning to go.

You dragged Cyno as you ran to the house all to see if what you are seeing is actually true.


"Cyno please guide us."
You said as soon as you both entered.

"Weren't you the one who dragged us in?"

"Yes so now it's your turn to guide."

He sighed and started to walk while you followed behind, looking around for purple haired person.

Cyno did noticed though and stopped, causing you to walk into him then stare  as he turned around.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

You responded with yes. Of course.

He eyed you down and just turned back around and continued walking.

For some reason there weren't any jump scares but that doesn't mean you wasn't scared.

"This house is kind of lame." Cyno said with a sigh, he was hoping for something more.

You rolled your eyes at his words and pushed him forward.

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