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Namjoon came at the exact time I said him to come pick me. I got in sat quietly and thought about Taehyung, " is he really in love" I asked from my self, " you alright Y/N" Namjoon asked, " yep all good" I smiled, but then Namjoon got a phone call.

He slow done the car, " yeah, yes sir ok I'll be there" he said , then he cut the call.
"Y/N, my new manager wants to meet me right now, can you take a bus to home" He asked from me, " alright, I'll go by bus" I smile, " please be careful this is the first and last time I promise" he was little upset, " I'm big enough to go home alone, you be careful, byeee" I said as I got down the car , "Y/N, turn on your phone and don't off it ok" said Namjoon inside, I nodded my head as  ran to the near by bus stop.

I waited like an hour for a bus, it was almost 7.00 right now. I sighed when I saw my bus coming. I got in as I sat on the back seat as school. The drive was really boring, and I was near to home. The bus stopped at the bus stop. There was a huge crowd to get in I was pushed by someone that made me fell down, hurting my leg.

I got up but my leg was almost covered with blood due to the hit of the road. The bus went but no one's was there to raise me up, my eyes started to form tears dude to pain.
" Oh, darling are you ok"said a women, " mom seems like she's hurt, give your hand" said the boy who was next that lady, he quiet looks like my age and he looks super cute.

They helped me get up, " shall I take you to the hospital, are you alone" asked that lady still holding my hand, " thanks my brother is at home, I can walk it not that far" I said, " hope you be careful next time" that  boy  as he let my hand go. I bowed my head on respect and managed to get home dripping blood all over the pathway.

I opened the door and got inside. I threw my bag away I thought to get upstairs where the first aid box is kept, but before I could even climb one, I fell down.
" owwww, Namjoon p....please help" I screamed that I couldn't bare at all.

Meanwhile friends,

They were at the karaoke with out you, they thought that you were upset about Taehyung, so they let you stay relax. " guys, I'm not ok, we usually come here with her" said Hesok,
" I know I'm bored either, she's the best singer of all. I'm going byee" said Yoongi as he almost left. " Guys, shall we call her" asked Jin, " that would be a good idea" said Tae.
Jimin took out his phone and rang you.

I was crying while heard my phone ringing, I thought it would be Namjoon, I crawled on the floor to get my bag where the phone was. I grab my bag and took my phone out, it was Jimin, since I had no one to get help I answered his phone call.

On the phone,

Jimin: hey umm... actually we are sorry Y/N
Me: J.....Jimin please I....I need help
Jimin: Y/N why are crying tell me what's wrong,
Me: I....I can't move ,my....leg
Jimin: please tell us what happened, wait one second...
Taehyung: Y/N are you crying sweetie, tell me what happened
Me: I fell d...down from the b....bus and hurt my leg.. it's bleeding
Taehyung : were is Namjoon, is he....
Jin: Y/N don't cry we will help , is Namjoon at home.
Me: Noo, he w...went on a business meeting , ouch........
Jin: Y/N dose it hurt, talk to me.. Y/N
Me: I....I can't... please I need hel...
Jin: hello....
Jimin: Y/N can you hear....
  Taehyung: give me the phone, Y/N talk to me.....

My phone slipped from hand as I saw the battery was dead, I kept my head on the couch and closed my eyes until Namjoon get home.


"Ahh what's wrong with you god damn phone Jimin" Taehyung yelled, " it's nothing with my phone, don't blame me we should go help her right now guys" said Jimi,
"I think her battery is dead" said Hesok, " we can't wait, we should go help our friend" said Jin. They all ran out the hall, and rushed towards your house to help you.

I herd some bangs on the door , I knew it was angry Namjoon cause I had no batter to answer his calls, my head was almost spinning seeding lots of blood in my wound also every where on the floor, Namjoon opened the door and entered shouting my name, but he didn't see me lying.

" N.....Namjoon" I cried, he gasped looking at me, " ohhh No No, Y/N what happened please talk" he took my head on his hand , " please, I.....I can't bare, I'm tired" I closed my eyes hugging him tight.

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