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" byeee, I'll call you after the competition ended" I got down from the car waving my good bye to Namjoon. I walked inside to see if Jungkook is here or any of my friends, just then I saw Rose and Jisoo passing by, " heyyy" I said, " ohh Y/N , sorry we didn't see you" smiled Rose, " it's ok, where are you guys walking" I asked, " since we have some more time to start the competition we are going to dressing room to meet Lisa and Jennie, you coming" said Jisoo, I nodded as I followed them.

They were really busy dressing, I saw Jungkook waving his hand, I waved back as I went towards him. " JK, you ready today" I smiled he nodded smiling back at me. I just started to walk around to see my friends. " Y/N we are here" Jin shouted, I walked towards them smiling but hiding my sadness, " Y/N, we gonna win today dude" said Hesok, " I can't wait to perform our dance, it's for a slow song" said Jimin, " wa.....wait w....what.... what you...m...mean" I was shocked, " yep, from two years they didn't perform for a slow one only pop songs, this year I said to do a change" said Jin.

I was totally paused and I could say nothing but just look at poor Jungkook, " but, why were you shocked" asked Yoongi, " , oh no I...I'm really excited" I lied. I just thought that both of them our my friends so who ever wins I'm happy.

The competition started everyone gathered on the seats and clapped at the begin of the competition. Lisa successful performed her dance, and now it was Jungkook, everyone started clapping and cheering when he arrived on stage. He's performance begins, my eyes were stuck on him that I couldn't believe he's dancing for a slow song because of me.

His performance ended after like 3 minutes and now it was the last performance on Jimin and Hesok, they entered as everyone got crazy. After a while during the perform I saw Jimin slipped as he fell down but he got up and didn't give up, " ohhh shit what happened" said Taeyhung, " I don't know dude...oh god please help them" Jin added.
Next time it was Hesok but they still kept dancing.

After a good cheering the performance ended, and now it was the time to vote. Every year we get and hour to vote, row by row had to write the name of the performer and put it on the box that is belong to the performer. So there was three boxes I wanted to vote Jungkook , Lisa, Jimin and Hesok but since this is a competition I should vote only on performer.

Going with my friends would never be able to vote Jungkook so I first let them go and I went with the row that was behind us, " Why didn't you come to vote" ask Jin, " I got a call from Namjoon, I'll go now" he nodded, " make sure it's for our friends" added yoongi.

I wrote Jungkooks name on the piece of chit and looked around to see if anyone watching, since there were lot of students near Jungkooks box I was able to put my vote without noticing by anyone.

I came back to my seat and sat, after like two hours everyone came back to there seats and competition started again to choose the winner. " who will win the price today" the girl who was on stage announced when everyone shouted saying Jimin and Hesok. I opened my mouth to cheer but i said , " JUNGKOOK!" It popped out of my mouth, " hey , you dumb cheer Jimin and Hesok" said Taeyhung, I nodded nervously.

The audience went quiet when our principal got on the stage with the name in his hand, " so, we have a winner here" he spoke to the mic. I crossed my fingers and my heart started to beat fast, " the winner this year is gonna beeeeeeee" he drag the words.

I was almost going to faint, " JUNGKOOK!!!, THE NEW YEAR NEW WINNER"  he shouted. Everyone was confused and went crazy as they started screaming and clapping, " Oh my god JK, he won" I cried shaking Jin, " Y/N what is this, there are cheating Jimin And Hesok is the winner" he yelled. I looked at Jimin and Lisa who were confused on stage but Hesok was just clapping.

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