Sun-Warmed Amber

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Today was not going your way and it was only mid afternoon. The morning had started out bad to begin with; the power had flickered in your house overnight and reset your alarm clock. Luckily your phone alarm would work as a backup, right? Sure, if you hadn't forgotten to plug it in overnight. You were up an hour late and a dead phone greeted you in turn.

Deciding to make the most of it, you skipped your morning class that was already half over and took a shower before heading for breakfast and that's when your series of misfortune events continued. Hot scalding coffee, all over your front and into your lap. The only plus side is that it didn't leave any burns, but it did ruin your favorite white blouse and pants. Forced to change into a pair of jeans and shirt that didn't inspire feelings of confidence in you, you had to spend extra time seeking a parking spot on campus when yours was stolen right out from under your nose. After nearly tripping up the stairs in your haste to reach your next class and one embarrassing collision with a moody Eustass Kid, you slid into your desk in your maths class. And now this.


The fat mark in red leered at you as if to taunt you for the studying you'd done. You resisted the urge to scream and slam your head on the desk in frustration. Even after all the studying and work you put in, you still managed to fail the test. Why did you even need to take this stupid class?! You were an art major!

You felt a pair of eyes staring into you and dared to turn to them. Isha sat a seat or two diagonally behind you and was stifling a snicker at your red marked paper. He lifted his coffee to his lips and flicked his eyebrows up and down at you once, eyes widening just slightly in a mocking look. This guy.

If you hadn't been such good friends, you would have thrashed him. Instead you shot him a sour scrunched face and stuck your tongue out. He had no room to come at you sideways, he was a senior in his last year of med school; he had more experience in this than you, right? Besides, you recalled what his history papers looked like. If he dared say anything, you had a secret weapon.

At least your next class was your favorite. English with Mihawk. Your professor gave most people the intense intimidation treatment, but you knew better. In actuality, that was unfortunately just how Mihawk's face rested. He was really quite the kind hearted teacher with a soft spot for his adopted daughter who he spoiled mercilessly and he was significantly easier to cozy up to than, say Keruha, your science professor. She was all bark and bite. Super cranky and by the book, but she sure was an excellent professor. You learned a lot from her.

Math class finished and you rose from your desk after gathering your things, still bitter from your test, but you weren't about to let it completely ruin your day. In fact, you refuse to let this entire bad morning ruin your day. It couldn't get any worse, right?

"I hear you have your first tutoring session today." Isha said, falling into step next to you. "Did you bring your notes?"

You facepalmed. "THAT'S what I forgot! Oh my god, today is horrid!" You cursed whatever deity was messing with you. "What's next?! My car stops working? It snows?!"

"Well the weather forecasted bright sunshine today and the temperature has been gradually increasing. Spring is right around the corner finally." Isha said with a pleased expression. Spring was his favorite season. "As for your car, maybe let's not jinx it, shall we?"

"You'll give me a ride home if it's dead, right?"

"I would, but..." He gave you a sideways smirk. "Why would I do that when I could watch you suffer instead?"

You narrowed your eyes at him. "Don't be evil to me, Willows. I know where you sleep."

Isha chuckled. "You and my fiance both. I know how you two women get these clever little ideas."

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