Sparking Red

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"What's happening to her?!"

"I don't know!"

"She's not breathing right! Call Law!"

"I'm already on it! Try to wake her again!"

"(Y/n)! (Y/n), wake up!"

Strained, panicked voices gradually dragged you out of your muffled stupor. They sounded muted; far away, but were gaining clarity with time. You felt light headed and your chest hurt. You couldn't breathe. As your sleep melted away, panic took over and sank its teeth into your mind. You gasped and clawed at your throat, tears welling in terrified eyes. Your body wasn't moving right; it was locked up and curling into itself. It wouldn't listen to you.

"(Y/n)?!" Shachi leaned over you, holding you in his arms. He looked scared. Behind him, Penguin paced back and forth, continuously shooting terrified jade eyes your way. "(Y/n), breathe! You have to relax."

Your body jerked and you tried to gasp for another desperate mouthful of air, but it wasn't coming to you easily. A strained cry of terror bubbled out of your throat as your muscles constricted and disobeyed your will. You could feel your heart rapidly firing in your chest and you felt faint.

"Law?! It's (Y/n), she's not breathing right!" Penguin's panicked voice reached your ears. "Her body is all curled up and- okay." He hit a button on his phone and Law's voice flooded the room.

"Shachi-ya, lay her down and tip her head back. Gently. Keep her hands away from her neck and get her to match her breathing to yours." Law's voice commanded. "Stay calm, don't join her in her panic."

Shachi did as instructed quickly. He laid you down and delicate fingers tipped your chin back while the other held quaking hands at bay. "Shhh shhh." His voice was soothing as he leaned over you, his body weight just barely pressed down. "Listen to me. It's alright, everything's alright. Breathe easy now, follow my lead."

Slowly oxygen returned to your lungs and your muscles released their built tension. Your head stopped spinning; your heart rate slowed. The black, abyssal panic was receding as you matched deep, calm breaths of air with Shachi's. Deep quakes still shook through your body and you were very sore from over constricting your muscles, but you could breathe again and your mind was clearing.

"That's it. Careful now, sweetness." Shachi cooed. He had a barely held together mask of calm over his face as he stroked your hair. "She's...okay now, I think."

"Sounds like she had a bad panic attack." Law's voice hummed over the phone. "Penguin-ya, do you still have those epsom salts I gave you for Shachi-ya?"

"I think so. I'll have to check."

"Run her a bath and put a handful or so in. If you have some lavender essential oils, put some of that in too." Law instructed. He sounded worried. "Major panic attacks leave the victim very sore and exhausted, so go get her in the tub and then stay with her so she doesn't drown."

Penguin shuffled out of the room, taking the phone off speaker and pressing it to his ear. You were left alone with Shachi who was still tending to you with fragil words and caresses.

"Shachi..." You croaked, voice still shaking like a last leaf in autumn.

"I'm here, sweetness." Shachi slowly pulled you into him, holding you in a delicate embrace as though you were made of glass. His voice also had subtle quivers in it. "God, you scared me. I was so, so worried."


Shachi shook his head and pulled your face into the crook of his neck. "Don't apologize, sweetheart. You were sound asleep when it started."

Sun and Moon (Shachi x Reader x Penguin)Where stories live. Discover now