Black Sun; Crimson Moon Part 1

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This 2 Part BS;CM is a much longer than normal chapter. There's a lot to go over; but we're right at the end. Sit back, grab some snacks, and enjoy the city shaking conclusion to Sun and Moon!

"Halloween is the end of this month." You beamed at Shachi and Penguin as they ate their lunch. "We should do something fun."

"We should egg Law's house." Shachi said with a twisted smirk.

"I value my nuts." Penguin shook his head quickly. "Horrible idea. Besides, you know how much Eden loves Halloween. It's her house too, stupid."

Shachi frowned. "Well I wanna be a menace somewhere. I have all the treats I need here, I wanna partake in some tricks." He shot you a flirty grin and you had the urge to press his face into the chicken and rice on the plate in front of him.

After the first night of finally breaking the sexual tension, the three of you were all guilty of overindulging several times a week. Two weeks had gone by and you must have been with these two men at least twice as many times. It wasn't always both at the same time either. Sometimes you'd drag Penguin into the shower with you and things would take a turn, other times Shachi would catch you early in the morning before classes and take you up against the kitchen counter. It was definitely due to stifled sexual desire fueled by love, but the two could not keep their hands off you. After they'd both admitted that it had been almost two years since their last (you were shocked to discover Shachi never had sex with his ex) you couldn't blame them for their unquenched thirst. Not that you were complaining either. They were good at what they did. Between the house, Shachi's Camaro, your apartment, and anywhere else that wasn't public, you were SO thankful you'd had that IUD inserted. Without it, you were absolutely sure you would've been pregnant by now.

"So what are we doing then?" Penguin finished a bite of food and looked up, eyes flicking between the two of you.

"Do you guys get trick or treaters?"

Shachi shook his head. "Dunno. We never decorated or left lights on. We could try this year."

"Yeah we should!" You nodded and poked at his side, making him squeak. You were pleased to discover last week that you weren't the only ticklish one. "We should dress up too."

"What are we, ten?" Penguin chuckled. "We could. Should we invite Law and Eden?"

"They'll probably be handling their own house. Not that I can imagine Law enjoying handing candy to a bunch of kids." You chuckled.

Shachi shrugged. "He'd never tell anyone, but Law actually likes kids a lot. He and Eden were already talking about having kids now that everything's peaceful and he's out of school."

You crunched on a carrot and flicked eyes between Shachi and Penguin. "Do you guys want kids?"

Penguin choked on his tea and Shachi froze mid bite. Their reaction somehow told you the answer, but you did want to make sure.

"'re not trying to tell us something, are you?" Shachi looked increasingly worried as Penguin patted his chest, still trying to overcome the small amount of tea that invaded his lungs.

"No! No, I'm not pregnant. Relax."

Shachi let out a long sigh and Penguin looked like he expired. "Thank god." They both muttered.

"I'll take that as a no then." You laughed.

"I don't think I'm really the best person to take care of a kid when I can hardly take care of myself." Shachi pressed his lips into a crooked smile.

Sun and Moon (Shachi x Reader x Penguin)Where stories live. Discover now