Lunar Tears

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(Y/n)'s and Shachi's POV

Warm. So, so warm. You blinked open bleary eyes to a weight on your chest and you peered down. Bonbon was curled up on your chest, a deep rumbling purr coursing through his fluffy body. You were back in your apartment, pants discarded and still dressed in Shachi's hoodie. The smell of your usual perfume and Shachi's cinnamon and maple leaf cologne mixed with one another in your nose, already making you a little breathless. You laid there and tried to remember the events of last night.

How did you make it into your apartment? You'd been exhausted on the way home, you'd only just had enough energy to cling to Shachi and not fall off the bike. He didn't speed home, making sure to drive carefully with how tired you were. Halfway back is when things got a little blurry. Had he dropped you off?, he princess carried you inside, straight to bed. Gentle hands had pulled off your shoes and leggings, careful to brush against your shivering skin as little as possible. He'd left you in your panties and his hoodie and left a deliciously sweet kiss on your forehead before showing himself out.

Was that all? You frowned and gently pushed Bonbon off as that feeling of warmth bloomed between your legs. No, he'd said something. What had he said? You whined and pressed your thighs together, craving friction. Visuals of a sunlit smile and glowing amber plagued your mind; the soft, yet intense desire of his kisses and greedy caress of thin fingers. You'd been right, he was ruining you. The best part? You craved more.

You continued to press your thighs together as you snuggled into the hoodie, breathing in his scent and tried to recall what he'd said. It was on the tip of your tongue. A cozy blush unfurled in your cheeks and you whined again as your brows knit. You needed more. Delicate fingertips pulled the hoodie up and slipped inside your panties, feeling for the source of the warm bloom. You were soaked in desire and a tiny gasp escaped you as your fingers brushed against the sensitive pearl of nerves.

Soft fingers pressed against it and turned a little circle, memories finally clicking back into place from last night. Shachi had left the hoodie on you. When you'd whined and pulled at his hoodie to close the distance, he'd had a deep blush on his face and a look of longing that made your whole body shiver as he gazed down at you, smoldering golden-amber eyes raking over the hills of your form.

"I want to fuck you in my hoodie until your legs don't work."

You gasped and whimpered his name as your entire body trembled and toes curled. Your own touch and the memory of his husky voice saying such a promiscuous thing had pushed you over the edge. The churning torrent of pleasure that tore through you made your eyes glaze and unfocus, your entire body tensing from the strain. Afterward you laid there, panting and trying to recover and calm down. You desperately craved more; craved his touch and his kisses. You'd willingly beg for it now. Oh how his teasing was driving you mad.

On the other side of the city, Shachi was not doing much better. He'd gotten home and immediately gone for an ice cold shower. His head still buzzed with the expressions on her face and the whine of his name from her soft lips. The entire night he was harassed by dreams of her; her smile, her eyes, her firm voice, her fire, her little giggle. He'd woken with morning wood from it and cussed, unable to think straight.

'Mad. She's driving me mad.' Shachi thought and hesitantly gave in.

He pushed the hem of his boxers down and reached for his phone. He probably shouldn't have, but he'd stolen a few pictures of her last night. Innocent photos of her laying sleepily in his hoodie, everything from the waist up. It was all he needed really, just the thought of her alone was enough to send him into a downward spiral of desire. He wanted all of her, not just her body. He wanted her laugh, her touch, her intense gaze, her soul.

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