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Friday was absolute hell to make it through. You'd gone to bed the night before and tossed and turned the whole time. When you did manage to fall asleep, you were plagued by dreams of Shachi and Penguin. Driving fast through a city of amber and gazing up at the stars in a jade expanse. You woke up, your heart racing and a familiar feeling of moisture between your legs. That was the most frustrating part. You wished this one night stand would happen already so you could move on. Then a thought stuck you.

What if the feeling didn't leave? That couldn't happen, right? No, it wouldn't happen. You didn't feel completed in relationships, you always wanted for more. So how was this any different? You thought you'd caught feelings for Ace once and then you slept with him and the feeling was gone. That's how you knew he was a player, not to mention the feelings didn't linger. Sabo was never interested in you and vice versa even though you thought he was super cute. He only had eyes for Koala and she was still giving him the runaround.

Shachi and Penguin were no different, even though it may feel like it right now. They both looked and sounded delicious and you had a fleeting suspicion that sex with them would be just as satisfying. You imagined Shachi was the type to be rough and greedy with his hands and Penguin would take his time and savor the moment. But they were both too busy teasing the hell out of you for you to find out. When you woke up that morning stuck in your lustful thoughts, all you could do was scream into your pillow your frustrations. Oh they made you so MAD!

After showering and calming down, you set to work packing. Regardless of them bullying your need for sexual reciprocation, you were still happily friends with them. Both of those brothers brought you a lot of laughs and joy. Plus it was Hawaii! You'd never been and it was on your bucket list. You were beyond excited.

Packing took you nearly all day. You texted Shachi and asked how long you would be gone. He said about five days and then asked if you needed anything at the apartment that you didn't already have there. You asked him if he could bring you another bag of cat food for Bonbon and you were surprised when he said no, but he'd have Penguin swing by. You thought it over and remembered it was Friday. Shachi always got weird on Fridays and he never told you why. At first you thought it was just his party hard mentality, but after knowing him for longer you started to figure out it went much deeper than that. He very much didn't want to talk about it though, so you didn't push.

Bonbon meowed at you and weaved through your legs once you finished packing. You looked down at him and frowned. "I have to find someone to check on you while I'm gone, Bonners." You picked him up and gave him a little tickle under the chin. "Oh I know! Mr. Bon Clay won't have a problem swinging by to feed you. Plus you like him, don't you Bonbon?"

Bonbon purred and flicked his ear, leaning into the little scratch. What a sweet kitty. You put him down and turned to your bed. Shachi's blue orca hat was sitting on your pillow and you reached for it fondly. It smelled like his cologne and was soft and plush. You pulled it on and grabbed your keys and a tray of muffins you baked today while you packed, giving a little wave to Bonbon and heading out the door.

Mr. Bon Clay only lived about a five minute walk from your apartment. His house was impossible to miss. It was bright pink and had white swans as the window trimmings. His grass was neatly cut and there were hedges that lined the front of the house under the windows. You thought his house was cute; the neighbors thought it looked atrocious. Thank goodness Mr. Bon Clay was one to turn his nose up at other peoples misplaced opinions.

You walked up to the door and rang the bell. You heard it go off inside followed by the barking of his little toy poodle, Parfait. Still just as loud as ever until she figured out who was the new company disturbing the peace. A loud voice accompanied the barking, telling Parfait to hush, and then the door opened.

Sun and Moon (Shachi x Reader x Penguin)Where stories live. Discover now