Confessions of Red Spider Lilies

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You set down the wet food and nearly tripped on Bonbon as he snaked under your feet. He was not waiting a single second for his tasty treat. That was fine; you'd grown used to him darting under and around your legs for ages now. He wasn't going to catch you off guard this time.

Another month had come and gone and now the intense heat of mid July was upon you. You took the effort to stay inside as much as possible. Shachi may love the heat, but it was brutal for you and Penguin, especially since he burned so easily. You'd gotten an easy job to work from home and your online class progressed smoothly, which meant you didn't have to go on campus. That was good. You'd been avoiding it like the plague since the incident with Ichiji and had no desire to go back until the next semester started.

That incident still rang clear in your mind. Once your anxiety attack had abated and the three of you had returned to the house, you explained to Shachi and Penguin what happened. Shachi looked horrified and just apologized for not coming to check on you while he held you on the couch, but Penguin had a scary look on his face. It would take another round of talking him down and him pacing the living room to stop him from hunting the scarlet haired man down and beating him within an inch of his life. Thankfully it was Shachi that dragged Penguin into an explanation of why Ichiji had such a vendetta against the two.

It seemed, once again, that Law was the root of the cause. Not that Shachi or Penguin minded, they'd fight every single one of Law's enemies if they had to. Law and Ichiji had never been fond of each other and the rare times they crossed paths, they always had some venom to share. Once Law graduated and left campus, things settled long enough for Ichiji not to immediately throw hands at Shachi and Penguin, but that peace was quickly destroyed.

Shachi's ex who had taken her own life just so happened to be seeing Ichiji on the side without Shachi knowing and, to make it worse, she was one of Ichiji's favorites. With the news of the suicide note spreading like wildfire, Ichiji played the sympathetic ear to Shachi and got him hooked on heroin in his downward, self destructive spiral. Ichiji blamed Shachi for the death of that woman and fully intended on assisting the depressed man step closer and closer to his own fatal overdose.

The story left you bewildered. You knew Ichiji was a ruthless bastard but you had no idea he was truly so cruel. It seemed the man was completely incapable of empathy, but he still retained the knowledge on how to act it. That was terrifying. Shachi and Penguin were both unaware that Ichiji had been after you before them and knowing their past history, they could only imagine how pissed off the scarlet rose was after having not just one, but now two of his favorites yanked away from him by Shachi.

It only made you more scared. Ichiji wasn't known for beating women, at least not outside the scope of what they liked, but men were a different story. Ichiji and his brothers, Niji and Yonji, were merciless. Everyone knew not to mess with the Vinsmokes or there was a chance you'd simply disappear. Shachi reassured you he'd be fine; Ichiji hadn't killed him yet after all and he had no desire or even an urge to return to hard drugs. You weren't so sure. Ichiji had even more reason to come after the two now and it made you nervous.

Still, a whole month had passed peacefully. You ended up spending more and more time over at the guys house, spending the night at least three times a week. The only redhead that came into your view was Shachi, full of sunshine and smiles. His mood seemed to stay aloft every day, even more so now that summer was here. Even Penguin seemed in a better mood, although he was a lot more active at night. Sometimes you'd stay up with him, watch him while he worked out or sit and watch some TV with him. On days you slept early, Shachi would drag you out to watch the sunrise with him and you'd talk about the future and your goals. Both of them encouraged you to pursue photography and even gifted you a new expensive high quality camera. You nearly cried tears of joy when you opened it and it quickly became your most cherished possession.

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