Shared Heart

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The car ride started a little chaotic. You slid into the backseat and Penguin sat in front next to Shachi who immediately elbowed him. Penguin scoffed and shook his head, flicking water droplets everywhere and upsetting Shachi in retaliation. The two were settling immediately into their usual banter with the girl they both had feelings for sitting in the back of the car watching.

'What the fuck is going on?' You thought and eyes flicked between the two. How were you supposed to start this conversation?

"Man! Should we stop for food? I want Chinese food." Shachi beamed and turned the music from his phone plugged into the aux up.

"Mexican sounds better." Penguin hummed. "We had Chinese a few weeks ago."



Shachi stuck his nose in the air and tugged on Penguin's ear, making him hiss in pain. "WELL PENG, you Mexi-can't have it because I'm driving and I said we're getting Chinese."

Penguin slapped Shachi's hand away and continued to dry his hair into fluffy locks using the towel that his brother had shoved in his face earlier. "Why not let (Y/n) decide then if you're gunna be such a twit about it."

Shachi looked up in the rearview mirror at you. "(Y/n)? Whatcha want?"

"Huh?" You hadn't been fully paying attention. All you kept hearing was Chinese and Mexican so you really hoped they were talking about food and not places to visit. "Uhm Mexican sounds good."

Shachi sighed and his shoulders slumped in defeat. "Man alright! I guess Mexican it is then." He shot Penguin a pointed glare when he received a mocking face at the still damp man. "Yeah, yeah! Enjoy it while you can, nerd. We're getting Chinese tomorrow."

"Aren't you mad?" You blurted out. You could not handle this charade anymore.

"About the lack of Chinese food? Yes. I was craving it so bad all day-"

"No." You interrupted and shook your head. "About Penguin and I. You saw, didn't you?"

Shachi's amber eyes glanced up at you in the rearview mirror. "Oh the kiss? Yeah I saw. That was cute. Who's idea was it to turn the rain into steam like that?" He snickered and Penguin sighed in embarrassment.

Your head spun. "But...but yesterday..."

"What about yesterday?" That same knowing smirk was back. "You can kiss me next if that's what you want. I missed the taste of your lips all day today."

"What is going on?" You insisted, your impertinence distracting you from the heady comment he'd just hit you with. "Aren't you guys jealous? Upset? You've both been competing for me for months."

"Competing?" Shachi and Penguin both said in unison.

Shachi glanced at Penguin. "You didn't tell her?"

"No, I thought you were going to." Penguin facepalmed. "That was the point of me staying out of the house last night."

"Whoops." A guilty giggle came out of Shachi and he looked back in the rearview mirror at you. "(Y/n), we don't compete for women anymore. If you haven't noticed yet, Peng and I are kinda attached at the hip. We go everywhere we can together, spend the most time with each other, share the most laughs. We're probably gunna die together someday too."

Your furrowed your brows, even more confused than before. "What does that mean?" You dared to ask as Shachi pulled up in the Mexican place's parking lot.

"We share..."


Shachi and Penguin both turned back to you, the sun and moon perfectly mirrored. "Even your heart." They said in unison.

Sun and Moon (Shachi x Reader x Penguin)Where stories live. Discover now