Moon-Chilled Jade

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The drive to Shachi's house wasn't too bad. It was late and most of the city traffic had dulled, though you certainly weren't the only one left on the road. Still at least it wasn't rush hour. Driving during that was hell. The GPS led you to the outskirts of the inner city and you took a right, driving onto a road of rather middle class looking houses. This area was really nice, it made you wonder what Shachi's parents did for a living. No way a college student could afford to live here on his own, right?

You pulled into the driveway of a two story dark gray house and you couldn't help but notice that there wasn't another car there. Maybe it was in the garage though. Next to you, in the passenger seat, Shachi was asleep. He'd fallen into a drunken coma almost as soon as you started driving, which you were almost grateful for. It meant no more drunken flirting and after the first and last, you weren't really sure you could take any more. At the same time, you weren't sure if it was okay to just drag him into his house without being invited either.

"Shachi." You gently nudged him, trying to wake him from his coma. "Should I ring your doorbell? Is someone coming for you? I don't want to just barge into your house."

Shachi groaned something unintelligible and turned away, falling back asleep. You chewed your bottom lip nervously. Well, they couldn't get mad if you were dragging his unconscious body through the door with you, right?

Getting out of your car, you rounded to the other side and pulled his door open carefully so he didn't fall out and slam his face into the concrete. He was already a pain in the ass, but you didn't want to hurt him. You wrapped his arms around your neck from behind and dragged him out of the car, immediately almost faceplanting yourself. For this guy's slender build, he was HEAVY.

'What the hell is on him?! Concealed bricks?!' You thought wildly and steadied yourself. With him pressed against your back, you could feel toned abs through his thin shirt. Your face flushed a little. 'Okay maybe not a slender build. That explains it.'

You staggered to his front door and reached to pull it open, praying it wasn't locked. The lights were still on inside, but that didn't mean it wasn't empty. Just as your fingers brushed the handle, the door flew open to reveal another man standing there. He was shirtless, exposing a muscular built frame, and had the same tribal tattoos as Shachi. His chest and arms were covered in scars and as you moved your eyes up, you noticed a white and black trapper hat with a yellow brim shading most of his face from view. Currently his mouth was curved into a tight, disapproving frown.

"Shachi, did you drive..." His tone mellowed out into surprise when he saw you. "Home...again?"

"Uh hi." You squeaked, flustered from the weight of the man on your back and the appearance of the man in front. 'Oh no, he's hot!'

"Oh. Hi." He returned, equally as flustered. His brain clicked back into place as you teetered slightly and he reached forward, taking the blacked out Shachi off your back. "Did you drive him home? I'm so sorry about him, he's a handful. He got off his leash today and took off before I could catch him." The corners of his mouth curved up into a subtle smirk as he tried to relieve some of the tension with sarcasm.

"It's no big deal. Are you..." Your eyes flicked between the two as the man with the hat held Shachi bridal style. Same tattoos, lived together, intimate touch. "L-Lovers?"

The silence was thick enough you could have cut it with a spoon. The shirtless man's face went so deep red that the blush traveled down his neck and onto his shoulders. You suddenly really wished you hadn't asked. You wanted to melt into the floor from embarrassment.

"Well...I guess I can see where the misunderstanding lies." The man spoke very slowly as he worked through his own embarrassment. "We're brothers. Adopted brothers, but still very much family."

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