Episode 4: Camp Rules

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(The screen showed the Woodchuck Cabin with Emma and Zuri. Emma's hair was wet and she was waiting for Zuri to get out of the bathroom.)

EMMA: Zuri! It's my turn to use the bathroom!

ZURI: I'm still getting ready! Hold your high maintenance horses!

EMMA: Come on, I'm sure you look fine.

(Zuri came out of the bathroom with half her hair brushed.)

ZURI: Really?! Does this look fine to you?

EMMA: Zuri, you know I can't lie about hair!

Luke: Wow! The eighties called, they want their hair back!

Luke laughs.

Zuri threw her plate of pasta at Luke.

Luke: Ya missed!

Luke got a face full of chili from Nia.

Booker: Be grateful, that could have been our Dad's Super Spicy Chili.

(Emma saw that Zuri had her nail file in her hands.)

EMMA: Hey, what are you doing with my diamond encrusted nail file?

ZURI: If you didn't want me using it, you should have put it in a locked box with a sign that says "Do not touch".

EMMA: That's exactly what I did!

ZURI: Oh. Well, I guess that didn't work.

EMMA: Just hurry up.

ZURI: It's my bathroom too. You and your giant black heads are just gonna have to wait!

(Zuri shuts the bathroom door.)

Emma: Rude.

Zuri: Oh please! Like we don't complain about you taking too long.

EMMA: Fine. I'll just get ready out here. I'm a CIT now so I can adapt to anything.

(Emma plugged in her hairdryer and curling iron. Just as she was about to dry her hair, the plug canes loose then the outlet caught fire.)

Jessie: What the..?

Lou: Yeah, Gladys never pays the electric bill.

Robbie: And people think I'm a cheapskate.

ZURI: Do you smell smoke?

(Zuri came out of the bathroom and saw the outlet was on fire. Emma started spraying the fire extinguisher at the outlet until the fire was put out. She stopped but some of the form ended up on Zuri covering her skin, hair, and clothes.)

Zuri glared at Emma.

Emma: At least the fires out.

Jason and Luke started laughing.

Luke: Priceless!

Jessie: Boys! That's not funny.

Zuri: Thank you.

ZURI: Thanks a lot!

EMMA: At least no one will notice your hair.

ZURI: FYI, I'm gonna need another hour in the bathroom.

(Zuri marched back into the bathroom.)

Emma: I walked into that one.

Booker: I don't know where you guys are from. But in our house, you never mess with a black women's hair.

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