Episode 17: Crafted and Shafted

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(The scene opened to Miley, Emma, Lou, and Danny fishing beside the lake.)

MILEY: Any bites?

LOU: Only from mosquitoes.

DANNY: I am so glad I wore bug spray.

Lou: Your not wearing any are you?

Danny: nope. My bloods safe from those bugs.

(Ravi came over to them wearing a lifejacket under his shirt.)

RAVI: Hey guys.

EMMA: Ravi, why are you wearing a life jacket under your shirt?

RAVI: I wish to know the joy of appearing buff.

MILEY: Well, it ain't workin for ya.

Ravi: Hey!

LOU: Oh, look! It's a bottle with a note in it! (Fishes it out of the lake.) I hope it's a treasure map!

EMMA: I hope it's a signed poster of Chris Pratt.

MILEY: Or Orlando Bloom.

RAVI: I hope it is recyclable.

(They look at Ravi.)

RAVI: What? 10 cents is 10 cents.

(Emma opens the bottle and reads the note.)

EMMA: "Being held against my will! Please send help!"

LOU: We gotta do something.

(They got up to leave just as Booker came over.)

LOU: Booker, we just found a note from someone being held prisoner.

BOOKER: Yeah. That was me. I threw it in the lake on the first day after I found some crickets in my oatmeal.

Nia: I don't blame you.

Booker: Thank you Nia.

(The opening theme plays through then the scene changes to the Great Lawn with Emma and Xander.)

XANDER: Look, I know we were supposed to go out tonight, but taking the kids camping is kind of like a date.

EMMA: Yeah. Except instead of perfume, I'll be wearing "skeeter killer." (Sprays the bug spray on herself.)

XANDER: Well, it may repel mosquitoes, but it won't repel me.

(Both lean in for a hug but Xander backs away, gagging.)

XANDER: Actually, it will.

Emma: Men.

EMMA: Maybe we could try again tomorrow night?

XANDER: I can't. I gotta teach a guitar class. How about Friday?

EMMA: I'd love to, but I'm busy. I have an archery safety seminar. It's called "Arrows, the pointy end goes away from you."

XANDER: We haven't had much alone time lately.

(Jorge appears dressed like Indiana Jones.)

JORGE: Hello, fellow adventures!

EMMA: And the streak continues.

Luke: Weird, I had the same costume.

Xander: How many costumes do you have?

Jorge: What? I like to make an entrance.

(Zuri, Tiffany, Miley, Booker and Damian came over with overnight bags.)

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