Mini Episode 3: Christmas Morning

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Christmas morning hit and Booker was the fist one up. He grabbed his Cray Bells and started ringing them while running down the halls

Booker: Wake up! It's Christmas morning!

All the adults were waking up and groaning and open the doors.

Raven B: Booker! We get the hint!

Robbie Ray: The kids aren't even up.

The kids open the doors.

Miley: You were saying?

Nia: I forgot to warn you guys. Booker likes to wake us up early with his cray bells.

Zuri: Eh. Beats Jessie banging on pots or playing her bugle horn.

Jessie: Gee thanks.

Everyone goes to the main room with the tree. And under the tree were a lot of presents.

Tess: Whoa! That's a lot of gifts!

Tucker: Come on!

Everyone goes to the tree and grabs their gifts and starts opening them.

Booker: Ooh! Matching Hat and gloves!

Luke: (To Tess) You were right. And they are ugly.

Booker: So Tiffany, Danny, Damian, you guys like your first Christmas?

Tiffany: Makes up for all the lies my own mother told me.

Damian: It's fine I guess.

Danny: Better than all the others.

Levi spotted the box that had the engagement ring from Clark.

Levi: Mr. Kent, you almost forgot this one.

Clark takes the box. Clark looked at Bruce then got down on one knee and opened the box with the ring inside.

Zuri: No! Way!

Clark: Bruce, I love you, will you marry me?

Bruce wiped away a few tears.

Bruce: Yes.

The two kissed as everyone else cheered.

Richard: Did you guys know about this?

Jason: Nope.

Tim: Me either.

Damian: And you call yourselves detectives.

Booker: Wait, you knew?

Damian: Clark told me about it last night. He wanted to make sure I was okay with the engagement.

Miley: Are you?

Damian: Yes.

Booker: Really?

Damian: I grew up with a strict mother and grandfather. Clark makes me feel safe.

Damian smiled. He looked at Booker.

Damian: What?

Booker: I've never seen you smile before.

Damian: Don't get us to it.

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