Mini Episode 2: Christmas Eve

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RavenDragon: You guys did a great job with the tree and the room. I can feel the Christmas spirit.

Booker: I told you so.

Victor: Speaking of Christmas spirit, the dinner will be ready soon but, in the meantime, we could do the Secret Santa gift exchange.

Jessie: Actually, that's not a bad idea. It's a Ross Family tradition to open one present on Christmas Eve.

Zuri: Nice.

Everyone gathers around with their gifts.

Tanya: So, who goes first?

Tony: I'll go. And lucky for me, I got Jessie.

Tony hands Jessie her gift. She opens it and inside was a t-shirt that said Tessie with Tony and Jessie's picture on there.

Jessie: A new Tessie shirt. Wow, Tony, that's so sweet.

Luke: (mutters) Creepy is more like it.

Jessie: Just for that comment, your next Luke.

Luke: Fine. And I ended up with some guy named Jackson?

Jackson: That's me.

Luke hands Jackson his gift. He opens it and inside was a pair of sneakers.

Jackson: Cool. These outta impress the ladies.

Miley: Yes, and that'll tell every girl to lock their doors.

Jackson: I got you Miley.

Miley: Let me guess, you took something from my closet?

Jackson: No.

Miley opens her gift to find a skirt she had bought three weeks ago.

Miley: Then why is the same skirt I bought three weeks ago in here?

Jackson: How do you know that?

Miley: The tag is still on it.

Victor: Miley, who's the person your secret santaing for?

Miley: I got Booker. Here you go. (Hands him the gift)

Booker opens the gift and inside was an autographed poster of NBA player Antoine "Dunker" Decker.

Booker: No! Way! How did you get this?!

Miley: His wife is a Hannah Montana fan. So, I gave him an autograph picture of me for his wife and he gave me that poster.

Booker: He's my favorite NBA player. Thanks Mile! And this, is for Levi.

Levi takes the gift and opens it. Inside was a new film camera.

Levi: Thanks Booker. I love it!

Booker: I know my little brother.

Levi: I got Tess.

Levi hands Tess her gift and it was a new basketball.

Tess: Thanks, little guy. I got Miss G.

Chelsea: Thank you Tess. (Grabs her gift.) Wow, it's heavy. (Opens it and inside was a new juicer.) Wow! How did you get this?

Tess: One of my uncles sells kitchen supplies.

Chelsea: Thank you. And I can make some turnip juice for everyone.

Nia/Booker: (muttered) Thanks Tess.

Chelsea: I got Raven. And being her best friend, I got her the perfect gift.

Chelsea handed Raven B her gift. She opens it and inside was a pair of new heel shoes.

Raven B: Thank you Chelsea! I love them!

Chelsea: There's one more thing in the box. Look under the wrapping.

Raven B: Alright. (She pulls out two tickets to a Boys in Motion concert reunion.) Boys in Motion concert tickets?! Chels! How did you get these tickets?!

Chelsea: Ah! A gift giver never reveals her secrets. Also, I got those on a good sale.

Raven B: Thank you Chels!

Booker: Who's that?

Raven B: Only the greatest boy band of our generation! And we got to meet them when they came to the Chill Grill.

Everyone continued to swap gifts until it was down to Zuri and Damian.

Jason: All that's left are the love birds.

Zuri: Are you asking for another broken nose?

Jason: I'll shut up now.

Zuri: You made the right choice.

Damian and Zuri swapped gifts. Zuri opened hers first and inside was a pair of leather fingerless gloves.

Zuri: These are awesome. How did you know I wanted them?

Damian: I just guessed.

Zuri: Well, thank you. Now open yours.

Damian opened his gift and inside were pencils, a notepad, some paintbrushes with paint.

Zuri: I talked to your brothers, and they told me that you like art, so I got you some art supplies.

Damian: Thanks.

Victor: Alright, who's hungry?

Everyone headed to the giant dinner table that was filled with the Christmas feast. Everyone sat down and started digging in. A few minutes later when everyone finished dinner, snow started to fall in the room.

Robbie Ray: Whoa! Who let in the winter wonderland?

RavenDragon: Jack Frost! I told you not in this room!

Jack Frost: (outside) You said I can make snow in any room!

Danny: Well, some of us did wish for a white Christmas.

Luke grabbed some snow and threw it at Zuri.

Luke: That's for all the food that you threw at me.

Zuri: That's how you want to play?!

Zuri grabbed some snow and flung it at Luke, but she missed, and it hit Raven B instead.

Raven B: Who threw that?!

Nia/Booker/Levi: Ooh! You gonn get it!

Zuri: Ravi did it!

Ravi: Oh, real mature!

Raven B threw a snowball at Ravi, and it hit him.

Jessie: Oh, that's it! No one does that to my kids!

Jessie threw a snowball at Raven B, but she missed, and it hit Robbie Ray right in the hair.

Robbie Ray: Oh, it on!

Soon everyone was joining in the snowball fight. The fighting died down when it started to get dark.

Jessie: Alright, let's get to the guest rooms and get some shut eye.

Lou: Let's go people, lights out in five!

Raven B: And no phones.

Booker/Nia: We know. No screens for sleeping teens.

Raven B: Unless them teens want them screens smashed to smithereens.

Jessie: I should have thought of that when I was the kids nanny.

RavenDragon: Boys on the left, girls on the right. Also, there's not enough rooms so you guys might have to bunk up.

Robbie Ray: I can live with that. I shared a room with Earl before.

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