Episode 6: Smells Like Camp Spirit

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(The scene went to the campfire at night as Lou, Hazel, and Xander gathered everyone around.)

LOU: Welcome boys, girls... dinosaur.

(Ms. Kipling growled.)

LOU: We're here tonight to kick off Camp Kikiwaka's bestest tradition, the ceremony to pick the Guardian of the Spirit Stick!

(Hazel shows a stick with carving. Everyone just groaned.)

Miley: What's the big deal? It's just a stick.

Lou: Actually...

RavenDragon: No spoilers Lou!

HAZEL: Respect the Stick, people! Or I'll take away your bathroom privileges and the woods will be your toilet.

BOOKER: That would be an upgrade.

XANDER: Our camper founder, Jedediah Swearengen, whittled this sacred Stick from an ancient pine that was struck by lightning.

LOU: As was Jedediah, whose wife left him shortly thereafter.

RAVI: Because he was hit by lightning?

LOU: No, he was just emotionally distant.

Jackson: This guy is weird.

Xander: And Hazel is related to him.

Luke: That explains a lot.

XANDER: Since then, we've honored the Stick out of respect to the woods and its spirits. Because of this, the camp and the forest have lived in harmony.

EMMA: I guess the forest turns a blind eye to Gladys' daily raw sewage dump.

XANDER: Guys, being Guardian of the Stick gets you mad respect.

LOU: But, if the Guardian loses the Stick, the wood spirits will flip out! And the Guardian's entire cabin will be cursed with bad luck!

NIA: Oh please, there's no such thing as bad luck.

ZURI: Nia, if that's true then how did we end up here?

Booker: Or mom and Aunt Chelsea's friend anniversary.

Nia: Fair point.

XANDER: And now, we will toss the Stick up in the air, and whoever it touches first will be the new Spirit Stick Guardian!

(Everyone except Emma gathered around. Lou tossed the stick in the air but it hit Emma on the shoulder.)

LOU: The Stick has fallen! Emma Ross is the Guardian!

HAZEL: She cheated! She has giant man shoulders!

(Emma looked offended.)

Emma: I do not!

(The opening theme played through then the scene changed to the Woodchuck cabin. Emma had an ice pack on her shoulder.)

LOU: Emma, you got lucky. When the Stick chose me, it nailed me right in the mouth and I had to get a whole new set of teeth. Wanna hold 'em?

(Lou starts pulling on her front teeth.)

EMMA: Thank you but no.

Raven B: Did that really happen?

Lou: Yep. It wasn't pretty.

MILEY: I don't know why people are so excited about a stick.

XANDER: Just one I wish the Spirit Stick would choose me.

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