Episode 13: There's No Place Like Camp

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Jason: So we just going to continue or...?

Booker: Didn't you say you had that picture of him in a sailor suit?

Jason: No!

RavenDragon: Leave him be.

Jason: Thank you.

Raven B: Next break we get.

(The scene opened to the Mess Hall with the Woodchucks and Gladys.)

GLADYS: Ladies, great news!

LOU: You finally got rid of the water rats in the lake?

GLADYS: Why would I want to do that? They eat all the garbage.

Everyone: What?

GLADYS: The news is, my boyfriend just asked me to marry him!

MILEY/TIFFANY You're engaged?

ZURI: Someone likes you?

EMMA: There are rats in the lake?

GLADYS: I met him last night online at my favorite dating site, Desperately Seeking Anyone.

Raven B: He must be blind or something because there is no way she got a boyfriend.

Miley: Yep.

GLADYS: And the best news is, he's a Nigerian prince!

NIA: Say what now?

Chelsea: Rae didn't the same thing happen to you?

Raven B: Oh yeah. That's right. That African Exchange student Tendaji. He's a prince from Shakobi. He gave me a feather, a shell, and a gorgeous dress.

Jessie: You had a prince as a boyfriend?!

Raven B: We weren't dating. He liked me and it turned out that the dress was a wedding dress and I may or may not have walked into a party that also happened to be my wedding.

Jessie: Seriously?!

Miley: You almost got married to a prince?!

Nia: How have we not heard of this?!

Devon: Relax, she didn't marry him. Besides, she already got a king right here.

Raven B: And yet somehow this queen divorced this king. If listening to me was your strong suit Devon, then we wouldn't be divorced.

LOU: Oh boy. Gladys, the Nigerian prince thing is a well-known online scam.

GLADYS: Not true! My beloved, Prince Mutumbo, is giving me the largest diamond from the crown jewels for my wedding ring.

ZURI: Let me guess, he just needs you to send him a few hundred dollars to help with the shipping cost?

GLADYS: No! A few thousand.

NIA: Yeah you are definitely getting scammed.

Zuri: I can't believe that she had fallen for that.

GLADYS: Oh, and since I'm out of cash, I laid off the entire kitchen staff.

(The chef walked out the door.)

GLADYS: So your cabin has to cook for the whole camp.

MILEY: Why us?

LOU: Because she trusts us Woodchucks. Obviously.

GLADYS: No, you're just the first people I ran into. BTW, the fly swatters make great spatulas. (chuckles then leaves.)

Jessie: Bad idea. Emma can't even work a blender.

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