Episode 8: Ghostly Surprise

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(The scene changed to the secret spot where Damian and Zuri were giving Danny some training. Booker, Miley and Nia were watching. Danny was in his Phantom form.)

NIA: You're doing great Danny! (To Booker) This is just sad.

(Danny ended up on the ground by Zuri.)

DANNY: You weren't kidding when you said you weren't going easy on me.

ZURI: You have to not be predictable. You're leaving a lot of open spaces for someone to attack you.

Danny: I'm not that predictable. Am I?

Zuri: Tiny bit.

(Zuri helps Danny up from the ground.)

ZURI: Try finding your opponent's weakness then use it against them. Works well.

DANNY: Really?

ZURI: I sometimes spar with Luke. He makes it too easy.

(Danny and Zuri sparred again. Danny went invisible then got Zuri pinned to the ground.)

DANNY: How's that?

ZURI: Not bad. You're getting it. But there's one more thing.

DANNY: What?

ZURI: Don't let your guard down.

(Zuri flipped Danny over and he was pinned.)

Danny: Good to know.

Bertrum: She does that trick at the last second.

Jessie: How do you know?

Bertrum: Sometimes I go to her tournaments. She's deadly in the ring.

(The opening theme plays through then the scene changes to the Mess Hall around lunch. Xander walks towards Zuri and her friends.)

XANDER: Hey Danny, I got a letter from your parents. And Damian, this letter is from your brother.

(Both take the letters then Xander leaves.)

DAMIAN: It's probably Grayson.

NIA: You can't tell him to chill out.

DAMIAN: Not really. He is crazy overprotective.

Richard: I'm not that bad.

Jason: Tim and I would disagree.

(Danny looked worried reading the latter.)

ZURI: You ok Danny?

DANNY: I'm... I'm fine. I just need some air.

(Danny ran out of the Mess Hall.)

MILEY: That was weird.

BOOKER: We'll go talk to him.

(Damian and Booker follow Danny.)

Miley: Should we be worried?

Tucker: Unless it's his parents coming for a visit, then you're doomed.

Nia: Why?

Danny: Well, they can be kind of embarrassing.

Zuri: Every family has one of those. I have Jessie and Ravi.

Miley: Jackson.

Nia/Booker: Our mom and aunt.

Damian: My brothers.

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