Episode 5: Best of Both Worlds

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(The scene changed to the Mess Hall in the morning. Gladys comes in with a sack.)

GLADYS: Campers, mail call!

(Every camper charges at Gladys grabbing their letters or packages.)

Robbie Ray: They're going at her like a pack of hyenas fighting over a T-bone.

(The crowd disperses with their letters or packages.)

BOOKER: Oh sweet! Levi sent us a postcard from San Francisco!

NIA: And Grandpa Vic sent us some goodies. Along with a letter from Mom and a jug of Aunt Chelsea's Turnip Juice.

BOOKER: (Whispers) Dump it in the lake.

RAVI: Honestly, it actually sounds tasty.

(Booker hands the jug to Ravi.)

BOOKER: Knock yourself out.

Chelsea: My drink isn't that bad. Right, Rae?

Raven B: Well...

Booker and Nia whistled innocently.

Chelsea: Levi?

Levi: I got nothing.

TIFFANY: Another postcard from my mother.

ZURI: What did she say this time? "Don't disappoint me?"

TIFFANY: Sadly yes.

ZURI: Shocker.

DANNY: Better than what I got. A letter from both my parents.

BOOKER: That doesn't sound bad.

DANNY: They mostly ask if I've seen any ghosts.

BOOKER: Okay. Weird.

Danny: My parents are ghost hunters.

Miley: That's a thing?

Danny: In Amity Town it is.

Booker: I am so sorry.

DANNY: I'm the only sane one in my family. Minus my sister but she left for college early so I'm alone in the house.

NIA: That is so sad.

MILEY: (opens her package.) Lucky Lulu?

ZURI: Who's Lucky Lulu?

MILEY: My dad's guitar.

JORGE: There's a note on the bottom.

MILEY: It's from my dad. (Opens the letter.) "I figured you could use a little taste of home. Also Jackson tried to break it."

Jackson: That is not true!

Robbie Ray: Yes it is.

MILEY: "Hope you're having fun at camp Bud. Love dad. P.S Lily and Oliver say hi."

EMMA: Wow. She is beautiful.

MILEY: Lulu's been a part of my family for a long time. My dad writes songs for Hannah Montana and he always plays them on Lulu.

ZURI: You know how to play?

MILEY: I've been playing since I was seven. Along with the piano.

NIA: Can we hear you play?

MILEY: Sure.

(Miley starts playing a soft song on Lulu and everyone was mind blown.)

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