Episode 16: No Escape

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(The scene opened to the Great Lawn with some campers, Lou, Emma, and Xander at a new rock wall.)

LOU: Camp Kikiwaka is proud to debut our new climbing wall.

EMMA: We thought this might be fun since so many of you try to climb the razor wire fence surrounding the camp.

BOOKER: (whispers to Damian) Is this a camp or a prison?

(Jorge walks over dressed in toilet paper and a hat.)

XANDER: Jorge, did the Bunny cabin TP you again? (sighs) I'll tell them to leave you alone, right after their nap time.

Lou shudders.

Lou: Bunny cabin.

Jackson: What's so bad about them?

Lou: That cabin is filled with ankle biters.

Jackson: Never mind.

JORGE: No, I dress like this when my favorite graphic novel comes out. I am King Tut Jones. Mummy detective!

LOU: Ooh, maybe I can read it when you're done. I'm a comic book nerd, too.

JORGE: I am not a comic book nerd. I'm a graphic novel nerd. And none of us will be reading the new edition, because Gladys won't let me go to town to buy one.

EMMA: Yeah, it's a rule. No campers are allowed in town.

XANDER: Even counselors can't go. Which is ridiculous, because I'm a responsible adult.

(A camper walks by Xander and he steps on his shoe.)

XANDER: Oh, flat tire! Yeah. It's crazy I can't go to town. (leaves)

Luke: Seriously?

Xander: Well.

EMMA: Jorge, you can't get your comic book...

JORGE: Graphic Novel.

EMMA: But maybe you'd enjoy trying the climbing wall.

JORGE: I read about danger, I don't do danger. (leaves)

LOU: Ok, Tiffany, you're up first.

(Tiffany stood up wearing a harness and helmet.)

TIFFANY: I'm scared.

LOU: Don't be. You can't fall, because Emma's holding your safety rope.

(Emma was looking at her nails)

LOU: Emma!

EMMA: Right. (holds the rope.)

Zuri: Oy.

Tiffany: Now I'm scared.

(Tiffany started climbing the wall.)

EMMA: You're doing great, Tiff!

NIA: You got this Tiffany!

EMMA: (Sees a spider on her leg.) Ahh! There's a spider on my leg!

(Emma lets go of the safety line and Tiffany begins to fall. Seconds later Nia's powers kicked in but this time, her powers froze time and everyone around her minus herself.)

NIA: Woah.

(Nia saw Tiffany's frozen form of her screaming. Nia quickly grabbed Tiffany by the waist and gently brought her down to the ground. Then headed back to her spot.)

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