Episode 14: Brothers are Back

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(The scene opened too early in the morning at the Grizzly Cabin. Ravi was asleep until some tickled his nose with a feather then Ravi got a face full of shaving cream. Someone laughed.)

Ravi: Oh no.

Luke: Oh yes!

(Ravi woke up trying to get the shaving cream off.)

RAVI: Oh. Shaving Cream? Jorge!

(But Jorge was asleep. So was Booker, Danny, and Damian. Then the person came into range, it was Luke who had a feather in one hand and a can of shaving cream in another.)

LUKE: Hey, buddy!

(Ravi shrieked which woke up Danny, Damian, and Booker. Luke laughed)

Ravi: You'll wake up to that?!

Damian: To be fair, I normally hear either Jason or Tim scream like that.

Jason: I don't scream like that.

Richard: Oh really? Remember when we watched that scary movie? You screamed like a little girl the whole time.

Jason: You promised you wouldn't say anything!

RAVI: Luke? What are you doing here? And will I have to lie to the police about anything?

BOOKER: What's going on?

(Damian was just about to get out of bed when a bucket of ice water fell on him, soaking him and his clothes.)

RAVI: Luke!

LUKE: Ok, that wasn't me. I only pranked Ravi.

DAMIAN: I think I know. Jason Todd!

(Jason popped out of his hiding spot, laughing.)

JASON: Oh man. That was so worth the trip over here.

Jessie: How did you know it was him?

Damian: He pulled this one on me every weekend.

Jason: Hey when you live with deep sleepers, you tend to find ways to wake them up.

Tim: Me and Damian call it, Jason's Death Wish.

LUKE: Ice cold bucket of water? (laughs) Classic.

JASON: Nice one with the shaving cream.

LUKE: Yeah. I call that "The Sleeping Santa."

RAVI: (laughs dryly.) I call it, "Not Funny the First Ten Times."

Tim: Luke is just about as annoying as Jason.

Ravi: Yep.

BOOKER: So you must be the famous Luke we heard so much about. But I don't think we've met this guy.

DAMIAN: That's one of my brothers, Jason Todd. The annoying one.

JASON: Nice to see you too, Demon.

RAVI: Luke, why are you here?

LUKE: I just came to give you a little present. (Pulls out a backpack) My summer school homework. That was due last Friday so finish shaving and get started.

JORGE: Luke, is it true that you put fake puke in Ravi's lunch box, so he hurled on the lunch lady?

LUKE: Nah, that story isn't true.


LUKE: I didn't use fake puke. I used real puke. I'm a prank purist.

DAMIAN: Now I know what Zuri meant by she lives with her own Joker.

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