Episode 20: The Black Lioness

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RavenDragon: OK, this is the last episode for this season. And this one is where you guys get to meet the King of Wakanda.

Zuri: Are you joking?!

RavenDragon: Nope.

Zuri: Yes!

(The scene opened up to the Secret Spot early in the morning with Zuri and Nia doing a sparring match. Booker, Miley, Danny, and Damian were watching. Nia almost beat Zuri but she lost.)

NIA: How was that?

ZURI: Good. That was better than Booker. You're improving fast.

BOOKER: Hey. I thought I did well.

MILEY: You were pinned to the ground in four seconds.

Tess: Now that's just sad, bro.

Booker: I don't fight girls.

Zuri: And that's why you were easy.

BOOKER: Har, har. I'm pretty sure no one can beat Zuri. Why are we doing this again so early in the morning?

NIA: Booker, it's our last week of camp. So we might as well get some final lessons from Zuri and Damian. Plus it'll be nice to learn some basic self-defense in case we ever visit each other in Gotham or New York.

MILEY: And I can add self-defense to my resume. Also, deal with craze fans sneaking into my dressing room when Roxie isn't around.

Roxie: Nice. I'll allow it.

Oliver: Was this also because of me?

Miley: That was back when you had a crush on Hannah Montana.

Jessie: And I don't blame her for teaching you guys. New York is no walk in the park.

Richard: Neither is Gotham.

DANNY: You know, we each took on Zuri and Damian. But we've never seen a match between you two.

ZURI: How about it Wayne? One on one? And don't hold back. (Gets in her fighting stand.)

(Damian walks over towards Zuri.)

Booker: Ten bucks if Damian wins.

Nia: No way. It's Zuri that'll win.

Miley: My money's on Zuri.

Danny: I pick Damian.

Zuri: Anyone else want in?

Half the theater joins in the bet. Most of the Justice League and Avengers join in.

BOOKER: Five bucks if Damian wins.

NIA: Ten if it's Zuri.

(Zuri and Damian began sparring. Damian wasn't even holding back but he couldn't land a hit on Zuri. She then leaped over him then pinned him to the ground with his arms behind his back.)

BOOKER: Oh come on! (hands Nia the ten bucks.)

Clint: How did she...?

Shuri: That's the Wakandian in her.

Jessie: Pay up boys!

The boys handed the girls the cash.

Booker: Seriously?!

Jason: Wow, Demon Spawn just got beaten by a girl.

Zuri: You mean like you?

Miley: Yow! You just got burned!

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