"You haven't even started it yet!?" Izuku shouted at me. I deadpanned, "I'm sorry I had a Liscense exam right after I came back. I'm also sorry I had to visit Eri on Monday." I said sarcastically.
"Dad is so going to kill you." Toshi mumbled from the other couch. I stuck my tongue out at him, "Fuck you too." I flipped him off. He rolled his eyes with a smirk and went back to his phone.
"If Mr. Aizawa finds out you haven't started your work yet, he's going to murder you." Ochako said from where she was sitting with Izu. He was sitting on the floor while she sat on the couch, braiding his hair.
"Shhhh! Don't say that out loud. He has the hearing of a mountain goat. He looks like one aswell." I mumbled. Sho stiffled a laugh and everyone looked at him in shock. He went back to his emotion void face.
"Sorry. That was funny." He monotoned. I sighed as I thought of all the work I had to catch up on. I was smart but studying wasn't my thing. Infact, I'd never studied a day in my life.
"If you're so worried about it, why don't you start studying now?" Mina asked as she painted her toe nails. I grunted, "I hate studying." I confessed as I walked to get some strawberry milk.
"Don't we all?" Kaminari said as he was charging Jiro's phone with his quirk, sitting next to her while they played a video game on it.
Just then the dorm doors opened and in came Kats and Kiri. They had gone out to train for a few hours. "Hey guys!" Kiri beamed. He received cheerful replies as he put his duffle bag down along with Katsuki.
"Kiri! Can I paint your nails!?" Mina beamed at him. He blushed and gave her a wide smile, "Ofcourse!" She bear hugged him and I smiled at their interaction.
I walked back towards the couch where Katsuki was now sitting. He looked to me and saw the dejected look on my face. I then flopped onto the sofa and over his lap.
"What the hell is up with you?" He mumbled. Toshi answered for me, "She doesn't want to study because she's lazy as fuck." He explained scrolling through his phone. I flipped him off, my face still in the sofa.
"Why the fuck aren't you studying!?" Kats seethed. "Boring." I mumbled into the sofa. He growled at my response and grabbed me by the waist. I squeaked as he picked me up and stood up, flinging me over his shoulder.
"Hey! Put me down!" I shouted, hitting his back. He grabbed me by my thighs making my stomach feel all fuzzy. A blush rose to my face in response to the intimate action.
"No." He said walking towards the elevator. "Where are we going!?" I screamed. "I'm going to tutor your dumbass." He stated pressing the elevator button.
"No! I don't want to fucking study!" I shouted in a fit of rage. "Too bad." He said rolling his eyes. "Let me go!" I screamed, hitting his back harder. He walked into the elevator and it shut.
The rest of the class shook their heads with a laugh. In the beginning they all thought Y/N and Bakugo would be a terrible match but as time passed, they realized just how perfect they are for eachother.
They fit together almost too well. They're chaotic but that's what makes them work. They both thrive in chaos and they realized just how alike they are. The whole class ships them because they're like the perfect puzzle.
Bound to be together.
"Katsuki Bakugo! Put me the hell down!" I screamed. He ignored me and opened his dorm door. He walked in and shut it. I hit his back, "I dont wanna study!" I whined. He walked towards his bed and dropped me onto it.
I frowned at him as he stood above me. "Done with your tantrum?" He asked raising a bored brow. I scowled, "Fuck you." I muttered in anger.
He chuckled at my anger and walked towards his bag, pulling out what I'm assuming are his books.

𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕓𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 | 𝕂𝕒𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕚 𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕠
FanfictionY/N Yagi -the daughter of the greatest Hero in the world, All-Might- joins U.A with her best friend, Hitoshi Shinsou. People have always criticized her for her quirk and explosive attitude, telling her all she would ever become is a villain. Yet she...