Chapter 34

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"It worked." I said shocked to my core. I didn't expect shouting at my quirk to work but it did and I now felt the presence of a foreign quirk inside me.

"What worked? Whats happening!?" Sero shouted scared. I looked up to my classmates then remembered why I shouted in the first place. I whipped my head to Katsuki who was currently staring at me in concern mixed with shock.

"Y/N don't do it." My dad warned. I looked at him and furrowed my brows. I looked back to Katsuki, "Gimmie your hand." I said quickly.

"Y/N I'm warning you!" My dad shouted. I ignored him and focused on Katsuki's hand. My eyes narrowed at the wound and I wished that it never happened.

I closed my eyes and tuned my dad's shouts out. I focused all my energy onto his hand and I felt energy fly out of me and I felt something on my forehead burn.

I was focusing for a good 30 seconds when my quirk turned off and I fell over blacking out.

3rd persons P.O.V

"Y/N don't do it." All-Might warned his daughter. The girl didn't listen and ordered the blonde to give her his hand.

Bakugo saw the plea in the girls eyes and he handed her his injured hand. She closed her eyes. "Y/N I'm warning you!" All-Might shouted.

The girl that was kneeling on the floor gave off a purple light from her body. Contrary to her Supernovas this purple light just made her glow and it blew wind around her fellow peers.

Katsuki stared shocked as the girl grew a purple horn on the side of her head. She focused all of her energy on his wound and he noticed it healed but when she didn't stop, he felt the cells of his body start to burn.

He screamed out in anguish as his whole body felt like it was on fire. "SOMEONE CALL AIZAWA IMMEDIATELY!" All-Might shouted at his students.

Iida rushed out of the classroom at the speed of light. Bakugo was screaming and Y/N couldn't hear him due to her quirk taking over involuntarily.

Her classmates looked at her with fear in their eyes. The way they saw it, the girl was rather villainous. Not only did her quirk harm others but her behavior, in their eyes was one of a villain.

When they looked at the glowing girl, they saw chaos and disorder. The fundamental qualities of a villain. That alone was enough for them to turn their back on her.

"Y/N why are you doing this!?" Shinso shouted trying to use his quirk on the girl. It all fell on deaf ears though as the girl couldn't hear the Purple haired boy, her quirk blocking out her senses.

Aizawa rushed onto the viewing deck at the speed of light and used his quirk on the girl, turning her quirk off. She stopped glowing and she fell over blacking out.

Bakugo also blacked out and fell next to her. The two looked rather peaceful together. "What the hell happened here!?" Aizawa shouted.

"She started floating then she fell down then she shouted it worked and she used this weird quirk on Bakugo to heal his injured hand and she glowed and grew a horn then Bakugo started screaming and then you came and then they blacked out." Sero said out of breath.

"All-Might help me carry these two to Recovery girl. Ashido and Kaminar, follow us to get your hands healed too." Aizawa sighed. The No. 1 hero walked over with him and they picked up the two highschoolers.

"Everyone get back to class." Aizawa ordered. The rest of the students were shook up but all the wise nodded and made their way back to the classroom.


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