Chapter 23

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"Alright, now that that's out of the way, I'll give you your request forms." Uncle Z said getting up off the floor. He handed out a bunch of paperwork.

Then  he finally got to me, "Give me a second Y/N." He said, walking to his desk. He looked underneath and then picked up a massive stack of paperwork.

It looked like 'War and Peace', that's how thick the pile was. He walked over to me and dropped it on top of my desk with a loud 'Bang!'.

"Thats all for her!?" Mina asked. "Yes." He monotoned. I looked up to him from my seat, "Your shitting me right, Z?" I asked.

He shook his head, "Unfortunately, I'm not. Remember when you and Todoroki came over during the break?" He asked. I nodded and he continued, "All the paperwork I was doing in the living room was yours."

"Wait, really?" I asked. He nodded and I sighed. "Anyway decide who you'll be interning with and give it to me on Friday." He said to the class.

"That's in two days!" Kaminari cried. "Well then you better get to picking. I'll give you a free period to read through some of your decisions before lunch." He added.

"Don't leave the class. I'm going to the faculty room." He said leaving the class. The class broke into a ruckus of discussion.

I sighed and decided to look through the name list of agencies that requested me, on top of my stack of paperwork.

The first name I saw on the list was definitely not one I was expecting. "Endewhore!?" I shrieked. The class went silent at my outburst.

"Everything ok, babes?" Mina asked me. "It's just, that bitch Endeavor had the fucking audacity to request me." I scowled.

The Bakusquad walked up to Bakugo's table which was behind mine. "Ok now I'm really interested in why you hate Endeavor so much." Kirishima said.

"He's just been a bitch to me my whole life. You'd only understand if you met him but he's such a power hungry asshole." I lied. Well half lied. Everything I said about Endeavor is true, it's just not the full story.

"He does seem like that on T.V." Kaminari admitted. "Why are you so shocked that he'd send a request in for you though?" Sero asked.

I sighed, "He did it to mock me. I beat him infront of Japan so now he's got beef with me. I mean, how sad is that? Not only did he get beat by a first year infront of Millions but he also has beef with a highschooler." I said rolling my eyes.

"True. That is kinda sad." Mina agreed. "Fatherless behavior." Sero said. "Just ignore it, I guess." Kirishima said. "Nah bro. She needs to get revenge." Kaminari smirked.

"Don't worry, I will." I said sinisterly. I went back to looking over the names the second one on my list was Hawks.

Keigo put in a request for me? I mean he is pretty popular and if I want to get out into the hero world, especially the Top 3, I need someone who has good revenue with fans. Even though he's a pain in the ass, he might be a good option to have.

I wrote Keigo's name down in my notebook where I planned to write my options down. The next name I saw was Best Jeanist.

Nope. Not again. Not after last time. Jeanist just wants me there so he can change me. Not happening.

I looked for any names that stood out and I saw Mirko. I loved Rumi, she was like a big sister to me and she's an absolute queen.

I put her name down in my notebook and moved on. I saw Ryukyu, Mt. Lady, Gunhead, Gang Ocra, Uwabami, Kamui Woods, Edge Shot and many more.

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