The Emerald Forest Pt 2

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The boys soon reached a clearing and saw the ruins, slowing their chase to a simple walk.

Eddie: We're Here.

They both crouched down and let the girls get off of their backs, Ian's eyes scanning the territory as the girls headed to the ruins to grab their relics, which were 4, black rook pieces.

Eddie: huh..? They're just chess pieces...

He said, looking at the other relics around the ruins.

Hearing his brothers comment, he looked at the pieces and walked closer to the ruins.

Ian: A bit disappointing... specially when they're called Relics, I was expecting something... flashier.

Ruby: well, we aren't the ones who make the rules guys, we're just here to collect them.

Eddie: ....... fair enough.

Thats when they heard a girlish scream sound off in the valley with Jaune and Pyrrha running for their lives as a Death Stalker was behind them. Eddies eyes widened at the sight of Pyrrha, she was absolutely breathtaking. But he quickly snapped out of it and ran towards the Death Stalker, jumping onto its face and clawing at its eyes. Ian roared as well, running at the 2nd Grimm, which was an enormous Ursa Major with blood thirsty intent while the others dealt with the a Nevermore. Eddie climbed up the Scorpions tail, before biting and clawing at its stinger. The Grimm shrieked and whipped him off, sending him tumbling into a tree which only pissed the jet black beast off more.


He Charged with full Murder in his eyes.

He jumped onto the Stalkers tail again, plunging a claw into its stingers base, and then with all his might he pushed down as hard as he could and managed to rip it off halfway. The death stalker shrieked in utter agony before a pair of white jaws clamped down on its head, doing several lift slams on the beast, cracking and smashing its armour apart. While Ian was busy making a soft spot on the Scorpio, Eddie was almost done ripping the stinger off. With one final pull and slash, the stinger was off and it landed right on the soft tissue Ian had exposed. For good measures Eddie still jumped and stabbed it through the Grimm's body, invoking both of them to roar in victory.

Eddie: I'm looking at your X-ray, and I'm afraid YOU SUCK!!!

He said to the disappearing Grimm's body.

Ian transformed into his human form and saw a long bit of chain laying on the ground before hearing the Nevermores screeches, and then saw the other's were having a bit of a hard time with the giant bird. He sneered and ran to them, grabbing the chain in the process. Eddie followed, also in human form.

Ruby: we need a plan! and fast!

Yang: What if we-?

A loud roar pierced through as Ian rushed at the nevermore, transforming is legs to jump from one column to another before leaping into the air, swinging the chain around as fast as he could before whipping at the nevermore, striking and even sawing its wing a bit when it passed by him.

Ruby: he immobilized it's wings!

He swung again, wrapping the chain around its head before he pulled on it, bringing him closer to the beast and smashed his feet against its skull, making it crash through a temple and into the side if a cliff.

Ruby: hmm... I think I have a plan.

As Ian got up, he saw a light shine in his eyes as Ruby waved at him to get clear, seeing Weiss dash forward. The Nevermore broke free of the chains, and started to fly away.. but then had it's tail trapped in ice.

Ian: 1st rule of the hunt, corner the prey for the pack.

He said, looking at Weiss and giving her a thumbs up. Blake attached her cables to two pillars, which Ruby hopped onto and held down by a Glyph Weiss made. Ian swung his chain at her and wrapped it around the girls torso.

Ian: Ready to fly, Rose?

Ruby: It's GO TIME!!! I've always wanted to say that..!!

She was shot off, Ian giving her an extra boost with a chain swing as the nevermore had broken free from the ice, but at the worst time for itself, For Ruby had hooked it by the neck with her scythe, and began running up the cliff with Weiss's help. Finally when she reached the top, it was decapitated.

Ian: wolf whistles Kids got some talent~

He said, smirking up at the cliff as his brother and the other girls came to stand by him.

Eddie: something tells me life is gonna get a lot less boring.

He said smiling, and looking up at Ruby as well.

Time skip.

The teams were being announced, Ian was now dressed in a black tank top, grey cargo pants and a white sleeveless hoodie. Eddie now wore a gold long sleeve, Black zip up hoodie and black jeans.

Ozpin: Now for the final teams! Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long! Team RWBY! Led by.. Ruby Rose!

The girls stood tall and proud, with the other students clapping for them, Yang hugging her sister proudly.

Ozpin: Well done, Girls. And now, for Beacons First, 2 man team... Ian Rex and Eddie Raptor! Team ERRI!!

Ruby: woo hoo hooo way to go boys!!!

Ian: Sounds like you're my Alpha then, little bro.

He said, seeing as Eddies initials were the start of the team name.

Eddie laughed a bit, a smile beaming on his face.

Eddie: this, is gonna be, awesome.

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