Love and Terror Pt 1

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Meanwhile, Eddie was getting ready for his lunch date with Emerald, and looked out the window to see Blake sleeping on the dinosaurs chest.

Charlie: Awww, they look so cuute...

Delta: jealousy increased by 80%

Echo saw her look and smirked. 

 Echo: wish that was you, huh sis~?

Delta: don't rub it in you...

Blue: I don't understand why you are keeping your feelings in for. 

 Charlie: OOH!! You should confess at the dance that team RWBY was talking about!

Delta: are you crazy?! In front of all those people?!

Echo: So what? Is it worse then watching him from afar and feel sick?

Eddie: do whatever feels right to you Delta... don't let anyone force ya... 

 He said as he slicked his quilly hair back.

Delta: aaaand who are you dolling up for?

Eddie: Emerald, she's taking me on a lunch date remember?

Charlie: The packs gonna grow so fast...

The other sisters awww'd and hugged her. And Eddie, who was the only one that understood the silver lining blushed bright red.

Eddie: mind easy there Indoraptor... it's not like we're gonna have kids THAT soon right?

Thinking back to how Emerald looked and with how strong his feelings are to her.... 

 Eddie: mind fucking dammit...

He soon finished up, wearing a nice black shirt and blue jeans. 

Eddie: Well, I'm off girls.. see ya later.

Charlie: Have fun Eddie!

He smiled and left the dorm. Emerald was in front of the main statue in front of beacon, waiting for the male with a tiny, nervous blush on her cheeks. Eddie saw her and walked up to her, announcing himself with a small clearing of his throat.

She turned around and smiled at him. 

 Emerald: Hi..!

Eddie: Hey..! 

 He said, smiling back with a little wave.

Emerald: ready to go?

He nodded. 

 Eddie: sure am.

She smiled before taking hold of his hand and running towards a bullhead, giggling adorably as she did so. He laughed at her excitement, running with her. Both were unaware... of the eyes that watched her from afar... 

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