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Time Skip. 

 Ian was warming up under the covers of his bed. He had woken up... but hadn't said a word, facing the wall. The raptors were around the room looking at at him... Eddie, was at the door looking away in shame.. Ian could feel their sadness... their concern... their pity... He... Hated... it.

Charlie: ........Ian...?

Ian:.............. huff

Charlie: you... hate us for what we did....?

Delta:.... I-Ian... we're so- 

 The signature pop of Ian's claws cut her off, before he retracted them.

Ian: .... I... don't... need... an apology...

They all fell silent... 

Eddie: ...come on girls... let's just... let him be for the moment...

They all left... Charlie and Delta staying behind for a bit before they went out of the room.

They walked down the hall.

Blue:... it struck him pretty deep huh...? 

 Echo: he had to be treated like an animal... of course it did... 

 Delta: uuuuuuurrrrrrr...!! I want to slaughter those over grown bugs...!

Charlie: I wanna make shish-kabobs out of them.. 

 Eddie: I want to slit their throats... drown them in their own blood... and laugh as I devour them alive....

Mercury: Thats a bit much, don't you think?

Eddie looked and saw the grey haired teen. 

Eddie: ... not when you've gone through the shit him and I went through...

Cinder: What...? Had a bad past with roleplaying...? 

Emerald: Cinder...! Thats not funny!

Eddie stopped... and growled softly as his claws grew, slowly turning his head towards Cinder.

Emerald: Eddie, Eddie i-ignore her, she didn't- she doesn't know how to joke..! Y-you know the overly serious ones, haha, never know how to crack a pun.

Cinder looked at her with a glare.

Emerald: Eddie, she isn't worth it... please.

He glared at the black-haired girl. 

 Eddie: fine... but only cause you say so...

Emerald smiled and gently cupped his face. 

 Emerald: I swear I'll make it up to you... how about I take you to a joint I know for lunch?

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