Seeing Red

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It was middle of the night... but for a certain group of faunus... it was training time... with the help of Port and Oobleck.

Port: Your lesson is simple... Find Ian within the Emerald Forest... before the flare is shot. Understood?

Blue: got it.

Delta: yeah, sure.

 Echo: understood.

Charlie: heheheh, This'll be FUN!!

Eddie: hehehe, It sure will Charlie.

Oobleck: Ready? Set! Go!

They all transformed at the same time and rushed into the forest. Ian, had the wind rushing to him from their direction, so already he had an advantage. And, had marked a large part of the forest to throw them off.

Blue: Split up! Cover more ground, and sound off if you see anything!

The raptors screeched and ran off, the Indoraptor carrying forward in his path, running on all fours he was arguably as fast if not faster then the Velociraptors. Only question was... would that aid him in his hunt...? They all kept running, until Charlie came up to a destroyed part of the looked like a past battle field...

Charlie: hmmm..

She called to the others, and soon enough they arrived at her position.

Echo: whatcha got Charlie?

Charlie: I found this place.

She said, gesturing her head to the large, destroyed clearing.

Eddie: Sniff around, could be a decoy.

They did as told, sniffing around, trying to find the 34 foot long, 10 foot tall carnivorous mutant.


Their heads instantly went up and looked in the direction on the sound.


Eddie: to only them Split up and circle.

The raptors did as told and circled around... a small scroll ringing came as a scroll came from the trees. Eddie approached from in the middle, keeping his growling to a minimum as he slowly stalked forward. The scroll answered itself and the voice of Glynnda Goodwitch came through. 

 Glynnda: Mr. Raptor, can you hear me?

Eddie: huh?

Glynnda: There uhh... may have been a small problem...

 The snapping of bones and the sound of fabric tearing filled the air. Eddie's eyes widened and he called the girls.

Glynnda: Ian's scroll... won't show his levels... its all... red.

The raptors came to him.

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