Chapter 17: Diplomatic love

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Several days later,

Mo'at's point of view

I watched my daughter and Tsylan argue, about setting up the home. We thought we would find an agreement to clone the alliance soon, having seen the bonds between them solidify as the days passed. Unfortunately, even with such bonds, we could not escape disagreements.

Neytiri: Why don't you want to live here?

Tsylan: I can ask you the same question, Neyt.

Since that morning, they had been arguing about where to live as a family. Despite his interest in Kelutral, Tsylan refused to settle here, preferring the Kekunan village. And Neytiri, she did not see her life, in the clan of the Kekunan. Since then, they have been arguing about the issue, each refusing to give in to the other.

Neytiri: I prefer to raise our children in the forest, where there is more connection with Eywa and our ancestors.

Tsylan: Eywa can communicate in many ways. The trees of the Voices do not have the exclusive right to do so. The sea air is more soothing and has great riches. As much or even more than the forest.

As much as I wanted to prove my daughter right, Tsylan's observation was spot on. The Mother Goddess had many ways of expressing herself and created life in different ways, too. However, Neytiri was right about one thing. We probably have a little stronger connection, thanks to the voice trees.

Neytiri: It is less dangerous!

Tsylan: You're the one who said it!

I looked at Eytukan, hoping to get an answer to this dilemma. It was clear that both of them loved each other, but they were very attached to their clans. And each had perfectly defensible points.

Neytiri: Cliffs can be dangerous for a child.

Tsylan: Are you kidding? You think the forest is safer?

Neytiri: Children don't leave the village unless accompanied.

Tsylan: So what? The danger is always there. Just listen to the story of Entu, the first Toruk Makto! His parents were killed by a Palulukan. So I don't see how it's less dangerous!

Neytiri: Much less than the village near the cliff!

By Eywa! This has been going on since this morning...I was impressed that they could still talk, after spending so much time verbally fighting to impose their idea on the other.

Eytukan: Maybe you should think about it, each of you on your own? It's clear that neither of you are open to it yet.

Neytiri: You know I am right, Father!

Tsylan: Why should you be? How are my arguments any less than yours?

I really needed a break.

Me sighing: At least let us rest our minds. Hearing you fight all morning is tiring!

Neytiri: Very well!

Tsylan: So be it. But you will see that I am right, Neyt!

Neytiri: We'll see when my parents agree with me.

Me: Enough! I don't want to hear any more from you for the day, unless you find an agreement!

By Eywa, I had a real headache! We were going to have to find a solution to this problem, because it seemed that neither of them wanted to back down.

Eytukan, once they were away: We knew this would be a problem, Mo'at.

Me sighing: And we have to let them find the solution, darling. Intervening will not do them any favors and could weaken their bond. Although I wouldn't mind if he settled here.

Eytukan smiles: Me too, so that we can get to know our grandchildren. However...

He looked more serious again.

Eytukan This will not do Neytiri any favors. Besides, discord can weaken them.

Me: But also strengthen them. Let's let it happen. Trust me, darling.

Lutsey's point of view

I was about to start my training when I saw Tsylan come out of the Kelutral, his eyes frowning, looking annoyed. His ears were lowered and his tail was wagging energetically, showing his feeling.

At first I thought he was an innocent child. But when I saw him like this, I saw an aspect that I didn't expect. Like an experienced warrior, having seen a lot. Making me feel strangely small. A look similar to Father, when he was scolding. How did Neytiri manage to stand up to that, without having that strange feeling inside her?

Me: Hello Tsylan.

He was cut off from his thoughts and turned to me, seeming to relax slightly. Only the movements of his tail, still betrayed his negative feeling.

Tsylan: Hello Lutsey.

Me: I could hear that you and my sister are fighting. Have you reached an agreement?

Tsylan: No. Madam thinks she's right, so I have to comply! Sorry, but it doesn't work like that.

Me: Maybe you should seek a compromise, instead of trying to impose your will. Father and Mother sometimes argue.

Tsylan surprised: Really? They seem to be so in tune, I have a hard time seeing them disagree.

Me: They do. They had one recently, about Sa'nok.

Tsylan: Who is?

Me: Grace Augustine, a dream walker.

Tsylan was silent for a moment, seemingly in thought.

Me: Tsylan?

By Eywa, how I hated it when he did that! It was like I was talking to myself!

Me: Tsylan!

Tsylan startled: Eh! What? Why are you shouting?

Me: Because you don't listen to me!

He grimaced, his ears moving with vivacity, as well as his tail.

Tsylan: There were other ways!

Me: Nevertheless, it was effective. If not, would you like to practice?

Tsylan: Okay, but don't ever do that to me again, okay?

Me amused: I don't promise anything.

Being the best warrior of the Kekunan clan, I really wanted to see his level. So, I threw him some training blades that I had made. He took the training daggers and got into position, while I drew my training sword, putting myself in an offensive position. Blade forward, I looked at him for a few moments, before starting to attack him with a fast attack. He dodged with a step to the side and parried my return with one of his blades, before forcing me to move back a few steps, to avoid the second blade.

The warrior took the opportunity to launch his attack. I was surprised by his way of handling his blades, managing to reverse directions with dexterity and speed. This disturbed me, not knowing where to parry and therefore not being able to anticipate his attacks.

Thus, I did not see his paw hook, making me fall and soon finding myself with his dummy blade, pointed at my throat. I bit my lips, offended at being beaten so easily. How could he do it?

As if to understand my intentions, he stepped back to give me time to get up, before resuming a fighting position. I was facing him again, taking a new position. In any case, I understood now why he was the best Kekunan warrior. However, I was determined to surpass him.

Neytiri's point of view

Two days later,

Now calmer, I started to think about the problem. Knowing that neither of us wanted to give in, perhaps it would be necessary to find a compromise. So I went to find Tsylan who was busy learning to play music. I couldn't help but smile, amused at his attempts to play. It didn't sound right at the moment, but I was sure that with practice he would get the hang of it.

With a little snap of my tongue, I got his attention. I could see from his eyes that he was still annoyed by our conversation but was willing to talk.

So he took leave of the musicians before joining me. We walked around the Kelutral, in a rather awkward silence, before he started to speak.

Tsylan: I have been thinking about our problem, Neyt.

Me: So have I. I thought, since we can't agree on a location, I'd suggest we compromise.

Tsylan: Like a split?

Me: Yes.

He rested his fingers on his chin, seeming to think about the proposal.

Tsylan: That sounds good to me. But we'll have to decide on the cycle.

Me, with a sensual voice: Why not discuss it further, tonight?

I saw him blush, amused, finding him even cuter.

Me: After all, we have to conclude the alliance.

Tsylan: Yes...indeed.

I laughed, eager to get to that crucial moment, which will decide both our destinies.

Tsylan's point of view

I followed Neytiri towards the Voice trees, dressed in an outfit that made her look more beautiful than ever. It was the first time I had seen her hair unfurled, without any braid. Like a flower unfolding its petals, to reveal all its beauty. And with such an outfit, barely hiding her chest, with a silk cuff highlighting her, accompanied by a purple loincloth, added more charm to the young woman. I could feel my heart beating wildly, not being able to take my eyes off her.

Neytiri amused: Come on! Come on, Tsylan! You're not going to give me a stroke!

I blushed, letting myself go, not being able to take my eyes off of her figure that seemed so blooming. She tenderly caressed the leaves of the voice trees, while I watched her leaves, not knowing what to think. Was I legitimate to communicate with them, knowing that in my previous life, I came from the People destroying the earth and having undoubtedly kidnapped relatives, like Sylwanin, Neytiri's sister?

As if sensing my confusion, my blue flower came out of her affair, to observe me preoccupied.

Neytiri: Are you okay?

I lowered my head, not knowing if I was worthy of their gaze, knowing what I once was.

Me: I don't know if I deserve this. Who knows how many lives I took when I was a member of Heaven.

She went to me, taking my hand to put it gently on her right cheek. I took the opportunity to caress her skin, looking so delicate. With her eyes closed, she seemed to be enjoying the touch, just like me. I smiled, while putting my other hand on her cheeks, caressing her with love. Every time I looked at her, I could feel my heart beating and my mind calming. I stared at her for a long time, admiring her well-drawn eyes. I caressed her, getting lost in her so bewitching look. However, I could see that she was waiting for our union and I could hardly see myself refusing. Thus, I approached her slowly, letting little by little my flame express itself for her. I kissed her with tenderness, caressing her with all the love I had for her. I also felt her hands going through my body, drawing it with her caresses.

Delicately, I laid her on the ground, nibbling tenderly on her neck, making her gasp with pleasure.

Neytiri: Ben...I'm ready.

I shuddered, not knowing what to say to my former human name. A flash of doubt returned, but I remembered her statement. Names didn't matter what you called them. I looked her in the eye, asking if she was really sure. Because once that was done, there would be no going back.

Neytiri, stroking my right cheek: I almost lost you, without being able to tell you what was in my heart. I don't intend to make the same mistake again. And you, Ben?

The fact that she called me Ben confused me, making me hesitate for a moment. However, when I saw her face as beautiful as a flower unfolding its petals in spring, with her eyes showing her sincere and impatient love, well highlighted by her long unfurled hair, my hesitation disappeared at once, in front of this spectacle.

Me: I am always ready for you, Blue Flower.

She gave me a smile that made my heart melt immediately. So I took my kuru, my bonds shaking, as if to claim their halves. She looked on eagerly, rising slightly, holding hers in her other hand. Her bonds were getting closer and closer to mine, before the two finally joined, showing the union of our two lives, now.

Immediately, I felt a bond forming with her, feeling the flame of my love and hers burning, starting to embrace more and more and getting stronger every moment. Images of her and I at Grace's school (from what she had described to me of her encounters with my former self), talking and sharing, flashed by. The laughter that had haunted my mind so much now made sense. It was as if the Kekunan and the Tawtute, seeking to unite their lives with Blue Flower. Which was undoubtedly the case.

Afterwards, we kissed with love, laying her down again gently, like a delicate flower. The hands of this one traversing my body, with sensuality and softness.

The time seemed to be suspended, while we expressed our love fully, in front of Eywa and linking thus, forever, our two destinies.

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