Chapter 44: Nature vs Technology

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Here's the continuation of the decisive battle at the Battle of the Tree of Souls. If you liked it, don't hesitate to vote or comment.

Delane's point of view

Accompanying my companion, we continued the fight. In desperation to stop the terrible bird of misfortune, we attempted an assault on its open ramp. Tsu'tey dashed in, killing first with an arrow before seizing one to hurl it into the air. He did so with the rage of despair, and I rushed to his aid, killing another trying to target him with an arrow. However, I didn't notice a soldier in the background getting into firing position, shouting a war cry. I thought I saw time slowing down, my movements seeming terribly slow as I saw him bring down my hammerhead with a salvo. No...I was about to lunge for the villain, but I noticed other soldiers coming forward, giving him cover. And the fate of the warrior trying to continue Tsu'tey's efforts made me realize the futile attempt. To my shame, I had to fall back to protect the last trace of my partner. A Samson tried to follow me, firing a series of salvos to bring me down. Enraged, I jumped from Reypay and landed on a branch. Then, after putting the bow on my back, I did a somersault before taking the branch by the hand and using my momentum to kick a machine-gunner. The Na'vi force was enough to crush his bones, which I could feel cracking and touching internal organs as he hit the walls of the machine. Giving him support to slow me down, as well as death. I stared at the other gunner who tried to grab his Dart, but I decapitated him with a swift movement of my dagger.

Pilot: What's going on, guys? Answer the question.

Soldier 1: S...Na'...Pr

I immediately killed him with the dagger to the heart, but that was enough to alert the Samson, who swung to the left to try and knock me off balance. I slid towards the opening and managed to grab hold of the machine's skids. My weight tipped him dangerously to the left, making his maneuver more difficult. When I looked up, I saw that I was about to crash into a tree. I had no choice but to let go, leaving the bird free. Far too late, though, as I heard a crash of metal, followed by an explosion. I let the leaves slow my fall until I landed on my feet. Then another clatter of metal drew my attention to see the Samson slam into the ground, propeller ablaze. Moments later, the aircraft exploded, forcing me to cover myself on the ground to avoid being hit by debris.

Once I'd calmed down, I watched the flames consuming the transport craft with a touch of sadness. I knew it wouldn't change our situation, and above all, I'd just lost another loved one.

Tsylan's point of view

Following the link, I flew as fast as I could to find Neytiri, to save her. Knowing she was in danger.

Me: Neytiri, hold on. I'm on my way!

So I flew as fast as I could, alternating turns. Until Lutsey's voice cut us off.

Lutsey: Jake, Eywa heard you!

I was startled, pausing, and could see a vast herd of Angtsik and Taloiang racing towards the forces of the Sky People. They easily decimated the MPAs and the soldiers had to retreat to avoid being crushed. I watched the spectacle, amazed at what I was seeing.

Txon: Looks like our Great Mother agrees to help us.

Me: Yes...

I couldn't believe the sight, and my heart swelled with hope. And Neytiri's call calmed my fear of losing her.

Neytiri: Well, I'm fine. And I've got a surprise to show you.

I turned my head and saw this one on a Thanator. The latter let out a shrill howl, amusing me.

Me: Now you've become a beautiful Palulukan Makto, darling.

Neytiri smiles: Thank you. Do you want to come up?

I hesitated. Sure, a Palulukan moved fast, but I wouldn't have the benefit of aerial advantage. But in such an environment, an Ikran would be a handicap.

Txon: Go with her. I'll accompany my siblings in aerial combat.

Me: Okay.

So I unhooked the tie and jumped, landing on my feet. I looked at my beautiful warrior wife with a big smile. Then I climbed up behind her as we set off. Bow in hand, I cocked it to slash our enemies with my arrows.

Jake's point of view

As I watched the wave of Ikrans appear in the sky to decimate the forces of Heaven, I regained hope. Immediately, I took advantage of this to go towards the Valkyrie to stop it in its death throes. I looked around for my wife, but found no trace of her. This only worried me, but I had to concentrate on my objective. As I went, I thought I saw Reypay and Txon attacking machine gunners defending Valkyrie with others. Each of them grabbed a soldier in mid-air, to their cries of terror, before finishing them off with their powerful jaws. This distraction was enough to allow me to land on the Valkyrie with ease and finish off the rest with my M30. I then hurriedly pulled out a grenade and pulled the pin. I then threw it towards one of the engines, before jumping towards the Toruk to signal its presence. Or to tell me to hurry up. I got onto his back and, once he was settled, I saw my grenade explode, preventing the heat from escaping. A few seconds later, this massive transport vessel turned dangerously to the right, now unbalanced. As I prepared for the assault on the Dragon, I could see the wounded Valkyrie with one wing missing and soon on its back. The next instant, a huge explosion erupted, consuming the ancient flying machine and the surrounding trees. Not least because of the explosives it was carrying. I took advantage of the diversion to leap onto the Dragon, determined to destroy it with Quaritch inside. However, just as I was releasing my grenades, the heavy helicopter suddenly turned to the left. This threw me off balance, forcing me to hold on to a missile, and I lost the last of my explosives. However, an armed one managed to hang on and pierce the hull. The air from Pandora entered the cockpit. I took advantage of the confusion to try and remove the missile from its launcher and use it as a weapon. After many attempts, I finally succeeded and fixed my aim. In the midst of assessing the distance, I was interrupted by the sound of an opening hatch. Quickly turning my gaze, I saw the colonel emerge with his weapon drawn, ready to shoot me. With a cry, I threw everything I had at the dragon. And seeing the bullets ricocheting back to my old position, I had a good reflex. The missile flew towards the rotor, before destroying it in an explosion. I continued to fall, letting the leaves cushion my fall by several meters. Well, it wasn't a perfect landing, but I landed on my two feet. Looking up, I watched as the Dragon drifted, bumping with its three remaining engines, before another hit a tree, exploding it. Soon, flames engulfed the entire craft and it evaporated in a final burst. However, I noticed a silhouette that had managed to get out. And as I explored the flaming carcass, I noticed footprints resembling those of an AMP. And it was heading straight for...Oh no!

Neytiri's point of view

On the Thanator, me and my companion were wreaking havoc with the forces of the Sky People retreating against the forces of the forest. So, with the Palulukan's agility, power and speed, we roamed the lands of Eywa with ease. With a wave of his hand, he would point me in the right direction, despite the creature's rapid movements. Using the link, I indicated the next target to the Palulukan, and we hurried off in the direction of our next prey.

In no time at all, we were behind him, ready to attack. As we launched our assault, he turned and managed to throw us away with his heavy gun. We tried again, but only to lose my bow in the process.

Tsylan: Don't give him the chance to shoot!

So we quickly recovered and launched another attack. Taking him by surprise, we managed to lay down the metal armor and, with force, destroy his weaponry. However, as we turned our gaze, the Palulukan took a violent punch, knocking him slightly off his feet, and we had to duck to avoid his hand. Nevertheless, this left an opening for Tsylan. The latter gained momentum and tried to plant a blade on the protective glass. He managed to pierce the glass with both blades. Unfortunately, the other metal hand grabbed his hair, making him suffer judging by his grimaces. To free my companion, we charged back towards our adversary. The latter had to throw my companion before he could turn to stop us. He grasped the Palulukan's powerful jaws to prevent him from gaining the upper hand. I glanced at my companion, who didn't seem to move. Seeing this, I felt the rage come over me and stared angrily at my adversary protected by his cursed barrier. And I showed him my teeth to prove my rage. He pushed us back again, and the assault we followed had the effect of making me hit a tree. I was slightly stunned, as I heard the sound of screaming metal and the Palulukan feigned rage.

Me: Ne ch....

I didn't have time to warn him before the beast, motivated by anger, lunged and I felt the pain of a blade slicing through flesh. I cried out in pain, as did my mount. Our adversary followed up with a series of blows, before hurling us towards a trunk. I found myself pinned to the body of the dying forest brother, before the tawtute finished him off by planting his blade in his neck. I could feel his spirit returning to Eywa after this last pain. I turned towards Tsylan, who was still motionless. I tried, in vain, to free myself so as to escape my enemy. He stared at me, his eyes full of hatred, and drew his blade. Determined to fight to the bitter end, I challenged him, showing him my teeth as I continued my struggle. An arrow with familiar red and black feathers ricocheted off the glass. This drew the attention of me and the tawtute in the armor. I saw Ben standing there, grimacing in pain. He needed me! I had to get out and help him! Come on, Neytiri!

Voice: Stop it, Quaritch!

This cut him off and he turned, facing Jake who appeared.

Jake: It's over! You're on your own now.

Quaritch, putting his weapon back on the offensive: As long as I'm breathing, nothing's over!

Jake: Funny, I was hoping you'd say that.

And so the two began their confrontation as I tried to extricate myself from my prison. Tsylan soon joined me, trying to lift the corpse to help me extricate myself. Jake picked up one of the remains of the destroyed rifle. In this case, the part with the blade, and countered his enemy's brutal attack. I could still hear the shrill clash of the two weapons, while Jake had to dodge the violent attacks of his adversary trying to kill him with different movements, shattering everything in his path. I gritted my teeth at the pain of the dead Palulukan's weight. Finally, on one move, he managed to catch the blade of his enemy's knife and break it. The latter then attempted a violent backhand with his metal hand, but Jake proved to be much quicker. As a result, he escaped the attempt, taking advantage of the opportunity to strike hard at the protection of the cracking metal amure. He then stepped back, leaning on a rock, to plant his blade in the middle, piercing the weakened glass. He then acrobatically dodged the hands trying to grab him. The human named Quaritch, in his armor, then pulled out the blade and threw it at the Toruk Makto. The latter avoided it by ducking, but it shattered the glass of the metal dwelling. And immediately, Jake began to have trouble breathing. He struggled to get to his feet and gasped as his adversary took the opportunity to free himself from his destroyed protection. Then he stared at the Last Shadow rider, who was barely able to stand and breathe. My companion was so busy helping me to extricate myself from my restraint, that he was unable to observe the gravity of the situation.

Quaritch: Well, Corporal? Having trouble breathing?

By Eywa! I had to go faster! But the Palulukan was so heavy! And time was running out!

Me: Ben, Jake needs help!

So he interrupted his task to turn around. At that moment, the Tawtute grabbed Jake by his hair and braid and brought his face to his level. The two stared at each other, though Jake grimaced, seeming to struggle.

Tawtute: Look at you! You think you're one of them, but you're as fragile as a baby. But don't worry, Sully. I'll wake you up.

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