Chapter 13 - Saying Goodbye

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"I am going to miss you so much, Allie Watson," murmured Harry's muffled voice as he held Allie in a tight embrace.  We had just finished shopping and were now at the door of my hotel room because Allie was going to help move my things to Christina and Tom's apartment.  Niall and I stood awkwardly as they shared their final moments together.

"Me too, Harry," Allie replied.  She was just pulling away when I could see the tears glistening in her eyes, and if my eyes perceived correctly, Harry was choked up as well.  "Let's skype, okay?  And call, text, email, everything.  I want you to tell me everything."

"I will."  He held her arm tenderly.  "I promise you."

"Bye, Allie," Niall intervened between the two of them to hug Allie.

"Bye, Nialler." Allie smirked though she was blinking away incoming tears.  "Wait . . .."

Niall stared at her oddly.

"What happened to your crutches?"

Niall laughed uneasily.  "Don't need 'em."

"Wow, you healed fast."  Did I sense a hint of sarcasm in her voice?

"Holly."  Harry approached me and wrapped me in his arms.  "It was very nice meeting you."

"You, too."  I returned the hug though I held a couple of Forever 21 bags in my hands.  "Thanks for buying me so much stuff.  You didn't have to do that."  He had purchased for me a couple pairs of skinny jeans, some belts, and a few pairs of earrings.  I tried to tell him he didn't have to, but he insisted.

"It's no problem," he returned, pulling away and grinning warmly at me.  "I love spending money on friends."

Friends.  I was friends with Harry from One Direction.

Harry spun to Allie at just the moment Niall had finished hugging her and enveloped her in once again another embrace.  "Sorry," he stuttered.  A tear escaped his eye.  "I just wanted to be the last one to hug you."

"Harry. . .." she gushed.

I shot a quick glance at Niall as he was rolling his eyes.  He crossed his hands over his chest.  "Harry, we should go, or we're going to miss our flight."

"I know," he whispered.  He peered down at Allie, his curls tickling the top of her head, and kissed her gently on the cheek.  "Goodbye, Allie Watson."

"Goodbye, Harry Styles," she whimpered.

Harry stepped away at last and stepped toward the elevators though he was walking backwards.  When he and a limping Niall disappeared behind the elevator doors, Allie let out a deep breath and picked up her multiple bags from the floor.  Harry hadn't bought for me nearly as much as he'd bought for Allie.  Her arms, from her elbows to her wrists, were adorned with bags from a variety of stores. 

I unlocked for us the door to my hotel room and we entered.  Tom and Christina were coming by in their car to load my luggage so Allie and I wouldn't have to trek across the city with my suitcases and carry-ons.

"End of a season in life, ya know?"  Allie voiced as I folded my clothes.

"Sure," I replied half-heartily.

She emitted another sigh.  When I gazed up at her, she was leaning against the dresser, wiping a tear from her eye.  A thoughtful mien occupied her face.  "I only knew him a few weeks.  But I feel so different.  And now that's it's all over, now that things are going back to the way they were -- well, kinda -- it's just weird."

"Mmm-hmm," I mumbled.  I was barely listening, truthfully.  I've known my step-sister for less than a week, and she's already talking about "seasons of life."  I returned to placing clothes in my suitcase.

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