Chapter 5 - Zayn

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Dedicated to ogjenk98 for bein awesome (:

June 19

 After both Mom and Ethan got out of work on Tuesday, we began on our way to Los Angeles.  Our designated time of arrival was about seven o'clock, and with each passing second, my mind reveled with the thought of possibly meeting One Direction.  Of meeting Zayn Malik.  I was nervous, which was quite surprising, considering I found myself an expert around guys.  

Luckily, however, it wasn't long before Ethan sparked a conversation with me about my college plans.  

"Um, I plan on studying physical therapy," I answered.  "I don't know where yet."

"Did you plan on staying pretty local, though?"

"Yeah.  I wanna stay in California."

"Ah," he nodded from the front seat without turning around.  

"The convertible was her graduation gift," Mom exclaimed excitedly.  "I told her that she could choose between a new ride and a grad party, and she chose the car.  It's a good thing she did, too!  Or we would not have reunited!"

"We wouldn't be having this conversation right now."  He laughed, probably thinking what he had said was humorous.

"And Holly wouldn't get to meet One Direction!"

My heart momentarily spiraled about my chest.  Zayn . . ..

"Did you hear me, Honey?"

"Yeah, I heard you.  I'm surprised."

"I checked today," Ethan proclaimed.  "They have a concert tonight, and we'll probably arrive at about the time it starts.  I don't know what hotel they're gonna be in, so we'll have to catch her during the concert."

"Couldn't you have just called her, Ethan?"  Mom queried.

Ethan cleared his throat, tossing an uncomfortable void of silence into the air.

"I'm sure it'll work out," Mom stuttered.

Once I was confident that Mom and Ethan had begun a new conversation that did not require that I speak, I poked my head phones in my ears and clicked the edge of my ipod to increase the volume.  

Oh, I don't like the way I never listen to myself

I feel like I'm on fire I'm too shy to cry for help

Oh, I don't think you know me much at all . . .


I lost count of the number of guys that Ethan had to show his ID to.  We didn't have tickets, so showing his license and claiming he was Allie Watson's father seemed to be enough.  I began to wonder just how long this Allie girl had been on tour with One Direction.  All the security guys plus the management seemed to know her name.

We were traveling through a corridor when a tall security guard stepped in front of us.  "Sir, this area is off limits," he scolded in his British accent.

I gazed past the man to see a curly haired boy.  He was stalking stealthily down the hall with a silly string bottle in his hand as if was a gun.  He peered around the corner briefly before jumping out and screaming, "Ah-hah!"  Was that one of them?  Was that Harry?  Or was it Liam?  Is there someone in One Direction even named Liam?

"I'm the father of Allie Watson, who, to my understanding has been on tour with One Dimension--"

"Direction," corrected the man.

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