Chapter 11 - A Week of Holly

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"The guys are great, aren't they?" Allie tightened Louis' leash when he began pawing at the elevator doors.

We were on our way to Allie's aunt and uncle's apartment again since we had finished walking Louis. I decided to stay and have dinner with Allie's family since I found it much more preferable than sitting in a hotel room adjacent to Mom and Ethan while they did . . . a common activity that occurred between two newly weds. 

I'd have to come along to the grocery store, though, and help cook dinner, but I didn't mind. It's probably best I become acquainted with my step sister's family. Besides, Harry and Niall were coming at eight to pick us up. I didn't want to have to walk across the city alone from my hotel.

"Yeah, they seem really cool," I replied.

"You okay?" When I glanced to Allie, she was gazing frowningly upon me.

"Yeah." I scratched the crown of my head.

"You sure?" Her eyes bore gently into mine. I could see she was intentionally deepening the extent of her question. This was no rhetorical question that I should be expected to answer with a simple, "yes."

The elevators doors eased open and Louis made an attempt to free his bondage to Allie by darting down the hall. Luckily, though, Allie managed to retain her grip on the leash, though she was tugged forward.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I probably just need to eat something." I added this last comment to diminish Allie's fear that their may be something severely wrong with me.

I didn't want her to suspect I've been manipulated into ruining her relationship with Harry. Other than that, though, I was being honest. I've been trying to cut back on my eating habits lately since I'm so overweight, but it becomes weary.

"Oh, okay. I'm getting kinda hungry, too. I'll ask my aunt if we could get some snacks while we're at the store."

Allie knocked on the apartment door and it was soon opened by her uncle, a dark-haired, dark-eyed man in his early thirties.

Allie released her grip from the leash, allowing Louis to bark joyfully at the sight of his owner. This lasted for a few seconds before he scurried to the kitchen.

"Hey, Watson," he teased, then turning to me. "Holly, right?"

I nodded and mustered a small smile.

He extended his hand to me. "Hi, I'm Tom, Allie's dad's sister's husband." We hadn't met at the wedding.

"You could've just told her you were my uncle," Allie laughed as Tom stepped out of the way so we could enter the apartment.

"That would have been too simple!" he protested, closing the door behind us. "We have to make everything more complicated! What if poor Holly has thought I was actually related to you?"

"What are you talking about? You are related to me!"

"Not by blood! Just marriage!"

"You're so mean, Uncle Tom." She swung her head to me and pointed at Tom with her thumb. "You see what I have to put up with? My own uncle is ashamed of being related to me!"

The two of them stood in the front room bickering for a while more while I remained silent with my arms clutching my stomach.

"Where's Aunt Christina?" Allie asked at last.

"In the kitchen!" echoed a voice from around the corner.

I followed my step sister to the kitchen where we found Christina leaning over the island, writing something on a notepad. Louis had lain down on a large, fluffy dog pillow that was placed near the windows.

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