Chapter 33 - Set Free

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Wednesday, June 19

"Tell me, Harry," I began, fingering with the mint gum Harry had just given me when we stepped into my car on the way to Allie's graduation.  "What's the latest gossip with you and the guys?"

"Ah, well,"  Harry loosened the strap of his seat belt and adjusted his footing.  "Niall and Zayn have been in touch with Allie . . .."

"Yeah . . . yeah . . .."  I'd known that Allie and Niall had formed a bond after Niall broke his legs last summer.  I suppose this is the reason I felt a hint of malice poison my disposition toward Allie whenever I remember this.  

"Obviously Allie's never come to visit, but . . . both of them seem to sense that Allie has become very . . . ah, what's the word . . . spiteful?  Or bratty, almost."

"No."  My brows flew skyward.  "Allie?  Allie Watson bratty and spiteful?"

Harry tossed his hand dismissively.  "I mean, this was a few weeks ago.  I'm just catching you up.  I haven't heard anything recently, and the guys talk about Allie all the time, maybe she's changed."

"That's so weird.  I wonder if it has something to do with something that went down with her dad and  my mom."


I glanced to Harry who's pointer finger was poking the air.  "I never told you about that?"

"No, you didn't!  You know what happened?  You know why Allie randomly appeared on December 23 at the apartment?"


"What happened?"

"I've heard Niall talk about it to the lads . . . I guess -- her dad is just very controlling.  Allie wanted to be open to your mom's Christmas traditions, but Allie's dad wanted everything his own way.  Meanwhile, your mom was stressing Allie out by asking about her love and sex life--"

"Mom," I moaned, slapping my forehead.

"And it just made Allie feel very uncomfortable."

"Yeah, I bet it did!  I warned her.  I even told her I wouldn't blame her if she came back early."

"Oh, the irony!"  Harry cried.

"Yep.  I remember how wonderful that night was."

"Only the best, my dear," Harry grinned.  I turned my focus to the window as I drove around the clusters of cars parked in front of the school.  Harry reached for my hand, squeezed.  "Ready?"

"No."  Watching mothers in their dresses, dragging their children along by the hand, and fathers in their sports jackets, I felt the urge to put the lock on my door and crouch on the floor of the my car.

"You can do it.  We can do it.  The place is packed, they won't even see us."  Harry leaned over my lap, unlocked my door, and unclipped my seat belt.  His large hands molded to the shape of my shoulders.  "We can do it."

"Yeah."  I blinked, and my lashes flicked tears off my eyes. 

I gripped Harry's hand as I climbed out of the car, and held his hand as we swam with the mass of people gravitating toward the auditorium, sunglasses hiding our identities.  A few days ago, Harry bribed the principle into allowing him the last two seats in the auditorium with a pay far bigger than I can count on my fingers.

Harry and I were silent as those around us settled into their seats.  When I scanned the room for the One Directions boys, I thought I might have spotted them in the front, but I was unsure.  I was familiar with Allie, obviously, when she strolled across the stage to accept her diploma about half an hour later.  She was merely a speck from where Harry and I sat, but I'd have known it was her had they not called her name.  The flow of her curled hair -- still red, but several inches longer --  the bounciness in her step, told me it could be Allison Watson and no one else.

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