Chapter 12 - Cinderella

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"I thought we would never get out of there," Allie proclaimed softly when we exited the apartment. Harry and Niall had just arrived and we were headed toward the elevators.

"It was that bad?" Niall asked.

"It wasn't, like, bad, it was just long. I feel bad for Holly who had to sit through that."

"It wasn't that bad," I admitted half-heartily. It had been boring but slightly uncomfortable as well. I was sitting at a large, round table with people I hadn't met, even though they were my new family.

Allie laughed. "You don't have to be polite, I really don't care if you think my familiy's boring. There was a lot of old people in there."

We entered the elevator when the doors split open.

"I thought you loved old people!" Harry exclaimed. "You used to work at a nursing home!"

"I know, I know, I just --"

"Something's not measuring up," teased Niall.

"Yeah. I thought I knew you, Allie Watson, but now that you say you don't like old people," Harry shook his head slowly, "I just don't know anymore."

"You guys are so mean!" She pushed both of them in the arm simultaneously.

"For catching you in your web of lies?" Harry waved a finger at her. "I don't think so."

"Web of lies? What?"

Niall giggled. "What else have you been lying about?"

"Oh my gosh," Allie whined. "I can't win with you guys."

The elevator doors opened when we arrived at the first floor. Just as Allie was departing, Harry elbowed past her and darted out the doors.

"Um, rude much?" Allie exclaimed.

"Don't worry, honey," Niall assured her. He made a gesture with his arms. "Ladies first."

"Thank you, my good Sir Niall," she nodded.

I waited for Niall to follow after her, but he glanced to me.

"Oh, thanks," I mumbled, ushering past him.


Harry was waiting at the front door, holding it for us. "You didn't think I would just leave you there, did you?"

"Yes! I did!"

"I could never."

"Why, you've done it before," Niall sneered.

Both Allie and Harry froze. Niall's remark had obviously struck something within them, something I haven't been around long enough to know about.

"Burn," I commented shamelessly. Why not, right? Perhaps it will ease some of the tension.

Niall threw me a glance and grinned. Unexpectedly, I returned the smile. Though he was unaware of Eliza's evil scheme, he recognized that I was rooting for him.

"Where should we go first?" Allie broke. She spun around and began down the sidewalk. Just as it had been earlier, Harry and Allie where walking in front of Niall and I. "H&M?"

"As long as we go to FAO Schwarz, I'll be happy," replied Harry.

"Holly, where do you want to go?" Allie faced me but proceeded to walk in the same direction.

"Oh, I don't care."

"You sure? I mean, I can go to H&M anytime I want. I live here now. I don't mind going where you want to go."

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