Chapter 16 - Brother

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I considered myself to be lucky that I'd returned home alive. I've never been a good driver, but maneuvering a vehicle while swimming in an ocean of exhaustion just conjured an even greater risk of accidents. Sean (a licensed driver) had offered to drive me home but I refused. I needed to distance myself from the boy I'd lost my virginity to. I knew I was unable to bare another emotional event while my boyfriend was present. It would only cause my heart to strain. So, I drove myself home.

Slothfully, I fumbled out of the driver's seat and hiked up the driveway to the door. I realized that I was hardly presentable, but I had no other option. I would have to endure Mom's interminable questions as to why I was home so late. I would have to answer her when she asked me why my hair was a rat's nest. This, of course, originates from my assumption that Mom will ask me such questions. She's had this tendency, lately, to be oblivious to my actions. This was one of those times, however, that I actually appreciated her neglect.

"Oh . . . hi, Holly."

I blinked. When I entered the kitchen, I found that Caleb was pouring himself a glass of soda at the counter. His thin, kind eyes narrowed as he smiled.

"Hi," I mumbled. Glancing at the clock, I discovered it was nearly ten. From the adjacent room, I heard Johnny Depp. Red, white, then brown light flashed against the darkness of the room.

"We're watching Pirates, if you want to join us," Caleb informed me.

I nearly groaned. I'm sure the first thing a sixteen year old guy would want to do on a Friday night is watch a movie with his dad, and his soon-to-be step sister and mom.

"Nah, I'm fine," I replied. "Thanks."

Caleb folded his hands together, his eyes drooping pleadingly. "Please?" He even bent his knees so that his height was dwindled.

"Is it that bad?"

Caleb straightened and scratched his jet black hair with both hands. "Neither of them have seen Pirates so they keep asking me questions. Literally . . ." Caleb shook his head shamefully and crossed his arms. "Literally, every five minutes! And then my dad keeps saying things to your mom and your mom --"

"Is making comments about what everyone is wearing," I finished.

"Yes!" Caleb threw his arms into the air triumphantly. "No offense. I mean, your mom is really nice and everything, but . . .."

"I get it." I tried a weak smile.

"You should have been there for dinner." Caleb drew in a deep breath and his eyes inflated horridly. "I have no idea what they were talking about. Honestly. Like, if our parents weren't already the weirdest match that could have possibly happened -- you should have heard their conversation."

"Oh my gosh," I muttered, rubbing my hands across my face. "I'm so sorry you had to deal with that."

"I would have rather been with you at your boyfriend's house. It woulda been ten times better than anything that happened here." When I didn't reply, Caleb blushed. Truthfully, though, I was far too fatigued to feel embarrassed. "Oh! I'm sorry! I take that back! Never mind! I mean -- good for you guys--!"

I waved my arm lazily. My eyelids were sinking. "It's fine. Don't worry about it--"

"You sure you don't wanna stick around? Just for the sake of my sanity?"

"Caleb!" Stanley called from the other room. He proceeded to demand something from Caleb in his Korean tongue.

I glanced at Caleb who translated. "He's wondering where I went."

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