4: Vengeance

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TW: a slight hint at Somnophilia towards the third portion of the chapter but nothing actually happens of that sort.

"Did you, uh, hear s-some duke is to p-propose -- heavens -- to you, precious?"

"Mphhff," Louis heart was mere moments away from bursting with arousal as he glanced downwards, meeting with the sight of Harry on his knees, eyes wide and glassy, mouth full. Louis groaned lewdly, running his fingers through Harry's hair as the omega continued to pleasure him, the sky too bright for them to be engaging with one another. Throwing his head back, muttering a curse, Louis gave him a sharp thrust, watching the omega take him graciously, before thrusting into him again.

"You'd tell me if you knew, correct? You, uh, won't hide such a thing from me, my precious."

As though an insult, Harry immediately pulled off, climbing onto Louis' lap before he claimed his mouth ferociously. Louis tasted himself in the sweetness of Harry's mouth, moaning as he rested his hand of the small of his back. When Harry parted from Louis, spit glazing his sinful lips, his eyes had guilt in them.

Louis' held onto hope, knowing well how fickle it was.

It was silent for a while, none of them knowing what to speak. Each moment gave rise to a squall of emotions within Louis, his poor heart thundering in his chest. Harry remained pretty, his features held sorrow in them.

Harry caressed his cheek, smiling hollowly. "I fear we must marry at some stage, my prince," he said, lilt gentle, like the one time Louis' mother had to inform him about his beloved pony passing away. "He is a prosperous alpha, a reputed duke. This is the most advantageous alliance I will be offered."

"So you agree?" Louis accused.

"It is for everyone's benefit." Harry reasoned.

"Everyone be damned! What about you? Will you be pleased yourself?" Harry sighed forlornly, hiding his face in the crook of Louis' neck. Louis held him like a dying hope, a knot twisting in his chest. Finally, he begged, "Do not do it, please."

"Mama's talked to me for the first time in seven months," Harry whispered as Louis felt a wet trickle of a tear on his skin. "She has resumed talking to me for this alliance, Lou, I do not wish to vex her again, to push her aside by not abiding by her choice."

"You cannot simply tell me that you are willing to trade yourself for mere shallow affection."

Harry chuckled unhandsomely, more tears falling down on Louis' skin. His voice cracked like glass being touched harshly, "I have traded myself my entire being, Louis, I fear I have gotten accustomed to it."

"What if I do not wish for you to marry him?" Louis gulped as a warm drop of tear rolled down his cheek. He had not cried once since the night he had returned to the castle four summers ago.

"Oh, do not be like that, please, you have forever been my sole supporter--"

"No, I shall not support you in this situation, precious. This is your entire life that is at stake," Louis did not know how Harry was expecting him to be alright with the arrangement. Was the omega so utterly oblivious? Did he not remember all of Louis' promises from years ago? "I refuse to watch you become a pawn."

"It is for the benefit. Mama and papa will no longer need to endure the pressure of having an unwed omega son. The alliance would benefit papa in terms of finance. And I? I shall find something to love about him."

"You do not mean that." Louis whispered, chest tightening at the thought.

"Oh, Lou. I must marry some day," Harry consoled, kissing the skin of Louis' neck. "That also alludes that I must love my hus—"

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